JonathanQuang / Space

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Jonathan Quang, Brian Kwong, Datian Zhang

Project Title: AsteroidsToo

What is AsteroidsToo?

AsteroidsToo is a game programmed in java using Processing that is inspired by the classic arcade game Asteroids. The player can shoot asteroids to earn money and to protect the central market/base from being destroyed. Money can be used to purchase upgrades, weapons, walls, or storages to increase the maximum amount of money that can be held.

How does this project work?

We have a class called Moveable that controls how objects move with velocity vectors. Asteroids inherit this class and move at a fixed velocity around the screen. We have an Asteroid Spawner class that manages and controls asteroids within the driver class. We also have a Ship class that has aditional functionality for movement via acceleration vectors in the direction of the ship's yaw (rotation on the screen) and shooting bullets. The PlayerShip class contains code for detecting keypresses and rendering of the ship as a triangle. The Driver class for all of this is contained within AsteroidsToo.pde.

Launch Instructions

  1. Make sure you have processing installed.
  2. Clone this repo at the url:
  3. Navigate to the AsteroidsToo directory.
  4. Open AsteroidsToo.pde
  5. Hit run (AKA, the right facing arrow inside a circle)
  6. Click on the screen to start playing!
  7. Have fun!


  • WASD for movement (A & D rotate you left / right, W & S accelerates you forwards / back)
  • Q & E for selecting weapons
  • L to fire a bullet
  • B to place a wall
  • N to place a storage
  • M to open market interface -WASD to navigate the market interface, l to purchase the selected item