JonathanReeve / theme-customeka

Omeka theme allowing advanced customization.
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Customeka: a Highly Customizable Omeka Theme


This is a very customizable Omeka theme that allows you to change the fonts, colors, and background images that make up your Omeka site or exhibit. In your theme's settings (Admin -> Appearance -> Themes -> Configure), you can set custom values for:

Since it's based on the Seasons theme, it is reponsive and generally mobile-friendly.


By changing the two main color settings, Color One and Color Two, you can colorize your entire site. Customeka dynamically generates colors for your whole site or exhibit based on these two colors.

Item File Gallery

By checking "Item File Gallery," you can display your items and collections in a grid, instead of a list. This can allow you to display many more items on your Browse Items page.


This theme is a rewrite of a theme called Elementaire, which can still be found on this repository, on the 2.X branch. Here's a version comparison:


Download the .zip file using the button "Download ZIP" above, and unzip this directory into your Omeka installation's /themes directory. Then, in Dashboard -> Appearance, select "Customeka."