JoseEmmanuelVG / -Ambassador-AI-Project---Nalton-pAIy

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The proposal is an innovative application designed to facilitate user interaction with financial transactions, using Ripple's XRPL (XRP Ledger Testnet) as a demonstration platform. This advanced system allows users to execute transactions simply and directly, using text or voice commands.

Key application functionalities:

The implementation of this application on Ripple's XRPL Testnet shows its viability in a controlled test environment, allowing developers to fine-tune and enhance its features prior to possible deployment on production networks.

This technological solution not only seeks to simplify financial transactions, but also aims to integrate them more meaningfully into people's daily lives, thus promoting a deeper and more educational relationship with personal finance.

Azure Implementation

Plan to implement wallet connectivity for XRPL and Metamask devnet, as well as different wallet connect wallets to make the application a multichain site. In order to increase the security and not need to save the sensitivity aaccount information, or use a better ways to save it The future of Nalton Paiy involves further refining the application, expanding its compatibility with different wallet connectors, and exploring integration with the Ripple CBDC Innovate Payment Service and international banking networks. The team also plans to enhance security, improve user experience, and potentially migrate to a more comprehensive cloud solution like Azure Cloud:

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Working to implement:

Future work:

Nalton pAIy AI Project Documentation - (Working on)

Welcome to the Nalton pAIy AI project! . Here, you will find comprehensive documentation for different aspects of our project, including the landing page and the fullstack application that integrates XRPL and Azure services.

Landing Page

The landing page serves as the introduction to the Nalton pAIy AI project, offering visitors a glimpse into what our project is about and what it aims to achieve. The source code and documentation for the landing page are maintained in a dedicated branch:

Here, you will find details on the design, implementation, and deployment of the landing page, ensuring visitors receive a warm welcome and clear guidance on navigating through our project.

Fullstack Project with XRPL and Azure Services

Our project's core lies in its fullstack implementation that utilizes the XRP Ledger (XRPL) for blockchain transactions and Microsoft Azure Services for cloud computing capabilities, ensuring scalability, security, and efficiency. The documentation for this aspect of the project is available in the master branch:

Within this documentation, you will find in-depth information on how we integrate XRPL for secure and fast blockchain transactions and leverage Azure services for various backend and AI functionalities. This section is essential for understanding the technical foundations of our project and how we use these technologies to drive innovation.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.