JoshCheek / miniature-octo-ironman

It's small. It had 8 legs. It sells weapons of mass comprehension to the most eager learner!
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Get manifest working on master #34

Open JoshCheek opened 10 years ago

JoshCheek commented 10 years ago

Part of the Endpoints milestone.

High level explanation

Instead of having to have commit access to the server so you can add a view/endpoint and then commit it into the repo and push it to the host, just to add material, we would like something less obtrusive and less coupled to the content.

The plan is to make a "manifest", an index of all the content. Currently it looks like this, basically an "array" of endpoints. An endpoint looks like this, basically a hash containing:

Given this endpoint: repopath:       '', # <-- doesn't have real content
             ref:            'a23d29',
             main_filename:  '',
             owner:          'josh-cheek',
             webpath:        'lesson1',
             localpath:      'josh-cheek/a1b2c3fakegist', # <-- autogenerated unless we override it
             datadir:        '/Users/josh/code/miniature-octo-ironman/tmp'

With this example endpoint, the flow would look like this:


This work is mostly being done in the lessons-in-manifest branch. Not merged into master, because it depends on cmake, which I spent an absurd amount of time trying to get available on Heroku, but is going nowhere so far. Might check out DigitalOcean, might try EC2.


JoshCheek commented 10 years ago

Endpoint renamings performed in: a28e58b, 6314d8a, and e22635c