JoshCheek / miniature-octo-ironman

It's small. It had 8 legs. It sells weapons of mass comprehension to the most eager learner!
4 stars 4 forks source link


Currently hosted here.

I want to increase student engagement by embedding a runnable Ruby editor in the middle of their lessons. Then I can place interactive examples inline with the explanations. This idea is inspired by the ExplorableExplanations blog (even though Bret Victor would likely find this project inadequate).


Getting started

Install dependencies with rake bootstrap
Run tests with rake
Run server with rake server
Add your first endpoint with `curl localhost:9292/endpoints -d 'endpoint[repopath]=' -d 'endpoint[ref]=master' -d 'endpoint[main_filename]=gistfile1.txt' -d 'endpoint[owner]=dalexj' -d 'endpoint[webpath]=example' -d 'endpoint[desc]=Example of an endpoint.'`



For now, just match what Rubymonk can do (run some code, show the output). In the future, if I have time/energy/competence, maybe get the environment to become considerably better. Here are things that entice me:

Future shit maybe