JoshDSommer / nativescript-ngx-slides

A NativeScript + Angular module for to add a slides component to your mobile app
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Don't allow panning while animation is playing #48

Open heese opened 6 years ago

heese commented 6 years ago

The slider gets confused if an animation is playing (e.g., if you use a timeout to move to the next slide automatically) and the user pans the current slide. Usually, it ends up with two slides showing at the same time. I have introduced another flag indicating whether the user is panning around the current slide. The code does not allow for panning while an animation is playing and vice versa. There is also a new flag allowing for disabling manual slide changes.

I still can't run the demo and, therefore, cannot test the code in its native environment :-( Please, have a go -- any bugs should be easy to fix.

JoshDSommer commented 6 years ago

So I've really screwed up and made a bunch of changes to the project before merging this in. I'm sorry @heese the good news is I believe I have it set up so your local build and demo should work. it would probably be best to pull down a fresh clone of master and then re-apply this fix. If you don't want to or have time can my self here at some point. I'm sorry for the delay.

heese commented 6 years ago

No worries. I am extremely busy at the moment and I might not find a spare time slot soon. I suggest whoever has some time to spare first goes for it and lets the other one know. I will surely keep this in my mind.

JoshDSommer commented 6 years ago

sounds good @heese thanks again 💯