JoshLmao / Witcher3_VoiceFilesRenamer

Console application that renames and sorts all of the extracted Witcher 3 voice lines from their Hex Codes
MIT License
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The Witcher 3 Voice Line Files Renamer

A basic console application that renames all of the extracted voice line files from the Witcher 3 to what is being said. Before using this, you must follow this guide on how to extract all of the voice files. It comes with a database which contains all of the data needed to rename all of the files. You WILL need to convert the .xlsx database file into a .csv file so that the console application can read the file data

If you don't know how to convert it to a .csv, here's the one I used however it might differ from the one from the guide

How To Use

1: Follow all of the steps inside Gizm000's guide to extract all of the voice lines

2: Download the latest release from the release page and extract it to a folder

3: Run the Witcher3_VoiceFilesRenamer.exe through the command prompt with these arguments:

3.1: The program requires 3 arguments in this order.

4: Run & wait
