Joshua-Ashton / d9vk

A Direct3D9 to Vulkan layer using the DXVK backend. [Upstreamed to DXVK]
zlib License
833 stars 42 forks source link

Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines #438

Closed ByCybernetik closed 4 years ago

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

The game runs fine through D9VK on Windows, but only bink videos are displayed on Linux, and then a black screen.

Software information

Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines, high settings.

System information

Apitrace file(s)

D3D Native

Log files


Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Please ensure you're using native d3dx9 and d3dcompilers.

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

The game uses only d3d9.dll.

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

The game works well in WineD3D and Gallium Nine.

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Please test with

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

The game does not start screen vampire_d3d9.log

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

But this version has the ability to reproduce trace. Снимок экрана_2019-10-29_21-43-59

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

I haven't been able to get this game to work at all.

The game doesn't start for me without the community patch, and when I apply that it crashes on new game... Not sure what to do here :-/

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

Patch did not work without msvcrt.dll and dbghelp.dll.

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

I mean to say that I can't even get it working on Windows... heh I'll try on Linux/Proton later today.

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

The game stopped launching after removing the '-game Unofficial_Patch' launch line, restoring the launch line or disabling Steam Overlay solves the problem.

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

After new commits, the game stopped launching on both Windows and Linux.

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

I managed to run the game on Linux using the options d3d9.deferSurfaceCreation = True d3d9.maxAvailableMemory = 536870912

ByCybernetik commented 4 years ago

True, in some places the game slows down.