Joshua-Ashton / d9vk

A Direct3D9 to Vulkan layer using the DXVK backend. [Upstreamed to DXVK]
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Guild Wars 2 crash/freeze #449

Closed logan001 closed 4 years ago

logan001 commented 4 years ago

GW2 started to freeze desktop on minimize or sometimes if im lucky it won't go back in full screen. i can see a black screen and the hand cursor of the game but thats it. the game itself doesn't seem to freeze cause the sound it keeps going.

If desktop freeze i can still here youtube but there is no response from keyboard/mouse or power button. i have to hard reset the computer

I'm not sure when it started. it might be around this or newer. I can't make a trace since i have no clue when it will crash.

Software information

Name of the game, settings used etc.

System information

Log files

I keep the game in windowed fullscreen.

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Would you be able to bisect the issue?

logan001 commented 4 years ago

for now i recompiled wine from Tk-Glitch and see if it still happens

logan001 commented 4 years ago

ive recompile wine still same problem i've recreated a new profile in lutris nothing changed.

the only good think is that today i didn't had to hard reset computer. today i only got the game to freeze (sound still working)

i can't access froggi to download previous version. does it work for you?

jrugia commented 4 years ago

I play GW2 regularly with D9VK currently using the 0.30 release. Haven't encountered any issues.

My Setup: Debian 9 - Kernel 5.3.11 Desktop Environment: Mate Wine Version: 4.6 with eSync enabled

Hardware: GPU / Driver: GTX 1060 6GB (435.27.03) CPU: Ryzen 1700X RAM: 16GB

logan001 commented 4 years ago

@jrugia i think its a problem with cinnamon i get this messages in .xession-erros

Cinnamon warning: Window 0x9800009 (Untitled) sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size 1 x 1 and max size 2147483647 x 2147483647; this doesn't make much sense.
Cjs-Message: 15:50:32.738: JS LOG: pushModal: invocation of begin_modal failed

i don't have time to try now older version since its not always a sure hit on minimize.

for anybody else willing to give it a try a play the game in windowed fullscreen and when i minimize the game from button inside the game (when for example option window is open you can see all 3 buttons in the right upper corner) alt+tab its not as much of a problem with windows mode but if i don't minimize the game than the video card will keep going on full power. thats why i choose miminize

jrugia commented 4 years ago

@logan001 Good find, for confirmation you could try to run the game in a different desktop environment. I think Openbox would make a good test base as it's lightweight and doesn't require many packages.

logan001 commented 4 years ago

@jrugia just as info: i reinstalled the previous version and everything works so far without any problem. i still get those messages in xseesion-errors. but nothing freeze anymore. the game has a 0.5-1 sec freeze period when it is restore from minimize status but it does not freeze at all. been using this version for a few hours now without any issues on minimize. so it might not necessary be cinnamon.

logan001 commented 4 years ago

@Joshua-Ashton this is the last that build that does not freeze the game.

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

So or (async present/queries) causes the issues for you?

logan001 commented 4 years ago

i don't know. i just tried the builds that are available on i didn't build manually every commit. So judging by available downloads the build that started to freeze is

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Can you try using this build please?

logan001 commented 4 years ago

i did. it still freeze

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

@logan001 Can you see if this freezes or not? Will help me to determine the problem exactly.


logan001 commented 4 years ago

just did and yes it freeze.

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Async present it is then.

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Just to triple check, can we try this?


logan001 commented 4 years ago

the "new" one does not freeze. at least so far after 4 hours of playing its still ok

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Can you try this?


logan001 commented 4 years ago

no problem with test-fix either so far after 3 hours of using it

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Can you try with the latest stuff i just pushed? Builds should be on

logan001 commented 4 years ago

i've installed 4f0edd27 and no problem after 4 hours of playing

logan001 commented 4 years ago

i'm guessing there's nothing to test anymore since its working so i'm closing the issue :)