Joshua-Ashton / d9vk

A Direct3D9 to Vulkan layer using the DXVK backend. [Upstreamed to DXVK]
zlib License
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Metal Gear Rising: Low framerate when moving mouse #465

Closed Mar2ck closed 4 years ago

Mar2ck commented 4 years ago

Game runs fine and smooth but fps drops to single digits whenever the mouse is being moved. Doesn't happen with WINED3D

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Apitrace file(s)

Log files

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

I can't really tell issues like this from a trace. Can you try master?

Mar2ck commented 4 years ago

Ill try to compile and see

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Just use the builds:

Mar2ck commented 4 years ago

With the lastest build the fps only drops to about 20-30 fps but it still drops. Moving the camera using a controller instead doesn't have any impact on the fps. Seems to drop most when moving mouse in circles or diagonal but i cant find a method that reproduces it consistently

Mar2ck commented 4 years ago

It looks like not moving the mouse for a few seconds then moving it quickly causes a fps drop consistently

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

The game never calls any cursor code in D3D9 so this isn't my bug.

This sounds like the mouse polling rate bug present in Wine/something.

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Actually I'm gonna keep this open just to make sure, going to get some people to see if they can test/find the cause.

Mar2ck commented 4 years ago

Strange that it only happens with d9vk then. Ill have to make a bug report with the wine devs

Joshua-Ashton commented 4 years ago

Yeah this isn't my bug and just looks to be mouse polling. Please make an issue on Wine.