Joshua-Ashton / d9vk

A Direct3D9 to Vulkan layer using the DXVK backend. [Upstreamed to DXVK]
zlib License
833 stars 42 forks source link

Where get d3d8.dll? #485

Open annaview opened 2 years ago

annaview commented 2 years ago

Just copy from ms sites not work. ~/Desktop/Wine/dxvk-1.9.4/x64/d3d8.dll: File not found. Skipping. ~/Desktop/Wine/dxvk-1.9.4/x32/d3d8.dll: File not found. Skipping.

K0bin commented 2 years ago

D9VK was merged into DXVK, don't open new issues here.

DXVK does not support D3D8. There is no d3d8.dll.

No idea where those "File not found. Skipping" lines come from.

annaview commented 2 years ago

Wrong tab browser, sorry. It for this >

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