A R-type online game. This project is a game compatible on Windows and Linux.
- Multi Room
- etc...
To download the repository, you just need to clone it from Github:
$ git clone git clone https://github.com/Jostyck9/R-type.git
$ cd R-type/
You need to have Conan and Cmake installed on your computer On windows you can use the compilate.PS1 script to create a visual studio solution On linux you can use the compilate.sh script to create the binary
To compile on Windows, use powershell :
$ ./compilate.PS1
After that, you need to use Visual Studio to compile in realease mode your r-type-server.sln and your r-type-client.sln. Once it's done, enjoy !
To compile on Linux, use your terminal (using bash or equivalent)
$ ./compilate.sh
After that, you just need to compile with the generated makefile and launch your game !
$ make
$ cd ..
$ ./build/bin/r-type-client
This game is a full keyboard usage. You cannot use your mouse. To deplace choose your different parameters, use the directional arrows. You can choose your room and be ready for the space battle.
To win, you have to be the last one alive. You can shoot enemies by pressing space bar and move using directional arrows. Be careful, each ennemies have differents properties.
The UML and the CodeDescription id always up to date with the master branch
You can also find in the folder documentation, a wiki that explains how is working our project
Hugo Berthome, Romane Bézier, Esther Bailloux, Clément Dumaine and Hugo Beaupel