Joystream / youtube-synch

YouTube Synchronization
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The Youtube-Synch node is used for youtube's creator onboarding and replicating their content automatically on Joystream. This service does periodic syncing the videos from a youtube channel to a Joystream channel.

Required Stack

Buildings the Youtube-Synch node

Running the Youtube-Synch node



Config file

All the configuration values required by Youtube-Synch node are provided via a single configuration file (either yml or json).

The path to the configuration will be (ordered from highest to lowest priority):

ENV variables

All configuration values can be overridden using environment variables, which may be useful when running the youtube-synch node as docker service.

To determine environment variable name based on a config key, for example endpoints.queryNode, use the following formula:

In case of arrays or oneOf objects (ie. keys), the values must be provided as json string, for example YT_SYNCH__JOYSTREAM__CHANNEL_COLLABORATOR__ACCOUNT='[{"mnemonic":"escape naive annual throw tragic achieve grunt verify cram note harvest problem"}]'.

In order to unset a value you can use one of the following strings as env variable value: "off" "null", "undefined", for example: YT_SYNCH__LOGS__FILE="off".

For more environment variable examples see the configuration in docker-compose.yml.

Setting Up DynamoDB

Youtube-synch service uses DynamoDB to persist the state of all the channel that are being synced & their videos. The Youtube-synch node works with both the local instance of dynamoDB and cloud-based AWS instance. For running a local instance of dynamodb, this is useful is useful for testing & development purposes, follow the steps below:

Local DynamoDB

AWS DynamoDB

For using AWS dynamodb, generate AWS credentials (Access Key & Secret Key) for the user that has access to the DynamoDB table from the AWS Console.

Next there are two options, either you can provide the credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials file or you can provide them as environment variables or in config file.

Running the node

Youtube-synch service can be run as a nodejs program or as a docker container. The service depends on the above described configurations so please make sure to configure the env vars/config file before running the node.

To run Youtube-synch service as nodejs program, run npm start

For running Youtube-synch service as a docker container, run docker-compose up -d at root of the project. This will start the service in the background.

Doing Unauthorized replication/syncing of Youtube Channel's videos on joystream

There is a CLI command for doing unauthorized replication/syncing of Youtube Channel's videos on joystream. For more information see sync:addUnauthorizedChannelForSyncing

Also, if you want to sync multiple unauthorized channels, you can use sync:syncMultipleUnauthorizedChannels command

Elasticsearch Alerting & Monitoring

The YT-Synch service logs can be sent to Elasticsearch instance, which then can be used to create alerting & monitoring rules based on the defined criteria. There is a script designed to automate the creation of Kibana Alert Rules and Action Connectors for monitoring the Youtube Synchronization Service. The script creates an alert rule that queries Elasticsearch for any errors occurring in the service within the past some time (in minutes). If any errors are found, the script triggers email and Discord notifications to inform recipients of the issue. The script also creates the necessary connectors for sending these notifications.

Environment Variables

The script uses the following environment variables to configure the alert rule and connectors:

How to Run the Script

  1. Ensure that you have the required tools installed on your system: bash, curl, and jq.
  2. Set the necessary environment variables in your shell or export them in a .env file.
  3. Make the script executable by running chmod +x scripts/
  4. Run the script with ./scripts/

Upon successful execution, the script will create an alert rule and the required connectors in Kibana. If any errors are encountered, the script will display an error message with details on the issue.