JuLiaN47V / association-as-code

YAML defined webserver
Apache License 2.0
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Association As Code

This project is designed for associations in order to run a templated webserver.
The Goal is to make it easy to run a simple, customizeable website.
Licensed under Apache 2.0

Getting started

You can either run the webserver within docker or directly from source.


To run the pre-defined example webserver, run:

docker run -d -p 8090:8090 julian47/association-as-code:latest

For customization, you can add you own config-file, language-file and customized bootstap.
To do that, you have to create the files config.yaml and en.yaml. See Custom Config and Custom language for specification and how to use your own language-file.
After that, mount your config into :/app/config.yaml and your language-file to :/app/langs/en.yaml
For bootstrap customization like color change, follow Custom-CSS wiki.

-v config.yaml:/app/config.yaml -v en.yaml:/app/langs/en.yaml -v static/css/bootstrap.css:/app/static/bootstrap/bootstrap.css

From Source

Requirements: golang/1.22.2
First you habe to clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/JuLiaN47V/association-as-code.git && cd association-as-code

After that, simply run for a example webserver:

go run main.go -d

main.go Flags

-d Debug Mode
-w Watch config.yaml for changes

Either way, you can access your webserver now at http://localhost:8090.

Custom Config

See config.yaml for detailed informations.

Custom Language

See Custom Language for detailed Informations

Custom CSS

If you want to make changes to default bootstrap configuration, follow Custom-CSS.