Juandavidc08 / streetseekerapp

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Street Seeker App (Barcelona Edition)

Your Ultimate Guide to Unforgettable Experiences!


Street Seeker is an app that will help users to find ideal plans, events, places to go around the city, this time as an preview of the full project I have in mind I did BARCELONA EDITION! Showing the most relevant places of the city and letting the user book or reserve through the app.

This project has been quite challenging; I’ve had to restart from scratch three times due to various errors. Despite the difficulties, it has been a valuable learning experience, deepening my understanding of programming. While it’s a work in progress that will continue to evolve, for the moment I need to present it as it is for my shcool CODE INSTITUTE at this stage. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

It is a fullstack app site that allows users to check on diferent random places, create an account and comment and review their plans.

Link to live site - https://streetseeker-e20ed2f178d7.herokuapp.com/

Site Objectives

Design and create a site that allows users to search for and book random places, demonstrating an increasing understanding of the libraries and frameworks available to developers.

Main objectives were:

The goal was to make the site easily accessible and intuitively navigated for the users. To achieve this, Django and Bootstrap were used to create and style the front end. The design ensures that users can seamlessly search for places, view details, and make bookings.

Target Audience

User Stories

New Visitor Goals

Existing Visitor Goals

Design Choices

Colour Scheme

The color scheme for the "Street Seeker" app is inspired by natural tones, reflecting the adventurous and exploratory nature of the app. Subtle, neutral colors are used predominantly, with vibrant accents for actionable elements like buttons and links to ensure they stand out for ease of navigation and interaction.


The primary font used across the site is Verdana, chosen for its readability and clean look. For the main logo text on the navbar, Tangerine is used to add a touch of elegance and distinctiveness. (Subject that could be changed in the future).

Logo and Favicon

The logo and favicon are designed to capture the essence of exploration and discovery, featuring an icon that represents a compass or map marker, aligning with the theme of finding and booking unique places.


Desktop Homepage Wireframe

Desktop Search Detail Wireframe

Desktop Search Detail Wireframe

Database Plan

The database plan for the "Street Seeker" app is straightforward, capturing essential information about users, places, reservations, and comments. It outlines the type of data stored and indicates whether a field is a Primary or Foreign key where applicable.

entity relationship



View Random Places on Home Page

Browse by Place Category

Comment on Places

Future Features

Screen display

home screen search screen book screen my plans reviews login contact us comments alert message registration

Technologies Used

Programming Languages, Frameworks and Libraries Used


This project was designed using Agile methodology, utilising the Project Board and Issues sections in GitHub


Throughout the development of this project, each section, function, and model was rigorously tested to ensure proper functionality and styling. Issues identified during testing were promptly corrected before proceeding to the next stage.

Testing Methodology

Incremental Testing:

User Testing:

Continuous Feedback Loop:

The table below summarizes the issues identified during testing and the corresponding fixes implemented:

Issue Description Testing Phase Device/Platform Resolution
Styling issue with navigation bar Incremental All Adjusted CSS for consistency
Login functionality not working User Testing iOS, Android Fixed authentication logic
Comment deletion not reflecting User Testing Mobile, Tablet Updated comment deletion flow
Images not displaying properly Incremental All Fixed image URLs and Cloudinary

Manual Testing

Create Account Account created successfully Pass
Error Check - Error page when signing up with email address Unable to replicate the error (*) Closed
Login Login successful Pass
Logout Logout successful Pass
Read Full Place Details PlaceDetail page loaded successfully Pass
Add Comment under Place Comment added successfully Pass
Delete Comment Comment deleted successfully Pass
Create User Account to Check Access to Restricted Pages Page displayed correct error message, with no access to restricted content Pass


Database Connection Issue

Cloudinary Image Upload Problem

Heroku Database Connectivity Issue

Validation Testing


HTML testing was completed using W3 Validator

HTML Validation

CSS testing was completed using W3 Validator

CSS Validation

Python Testing

Python pep8 validation was done via Code Institute's Python Linter

The only errors recieved here were where some lines of text exceeded the limit of 79 characters

Python Validation

Github Deployment

Repository deployment via Heroku

Deployment of the app


This project is built upon the foundational framework provided by Code Institute's "I Think Therefore I Blog" walkthrough module. The initial blog template served as a base, which was extensively customized using Bootstrap and custom CSS to meet the specific requirements of this application.

To TripAdvisor for being my support in the reasearch of nice places in Barcelona making easier to populate my database.

Alot of credits to CODEMY for their incredible explanations on their tutorias of django in youtube , the best of all its free and I did learn so much many concepts I did have miss before @Codemycom

Also from youtube to [@TechWithTim] one of my favorites youtubers of all, with these videos he simplified what sometimes is give to you as if it was impossible (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGIg40xs9e4&t=799s)

The Readme layout was based on the example by markdaniel1982 it was an amazing read me thanks alot.


Acknowledgments and Thanks