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DIY Site logo DIY Site

[!IMPORTANT] An extension to the project has been added at the end of this document to meet CI's requirements.


The DIY site is intended to be a repository of small-scale construction projects, designed so that anyone can carry them out by following the instructions posted on the repository in a genuine Do-It-Yourself style.

In this first phase of implementation, people of any age and skill level can explore the projects named "Things" that are publicly presented in this repository and use the project instructions to replicate them. The contents of the projects (things) are entered into the repository by the creators who require private access with certain privileges, assigned by an administrator, in order to access the repository management system.

Public access to this website can be made completely anonymous, allowing the users to browse the entire published repository, and encouraging them to register on a permanent basis, which will also allow users to mark which projects are their favourites.

From a technical standpoint, this site is implemented in Python, JavaScript, HTML and CSS languages, on the Django framework and using MVC design. It includes user authentication, email validation and full CRUD functionality to manage the content of the repository.

In future phases of implementation, the options to publish content by users from public access and the ability to sell their creations to other users will be implemented. Advanced functions will also be added, such as the search and filtering of projects based on content, or the use of shopping carts, user profiles, payment gateways, etc.

Access the website deployed on Heroku

Table of Contents

User experience (UX)

DIY Site aims to be a friendly public site for users to access DIY style projects that they can replicate. The presentation of the content is dynamic and attractive, and the information about the projects is clear and easy to read.

Registered project creators will also be able to add and edit their own creations. This administrative interface is geared towards a more functional purpose, so that project content can be easily edited and expanded.

Functional specifications

The User

There are four types of users segregated by their role and purpose.


Customer requirements for users

The following are the customer requirements that are part of the user stories list for the initial delivery iteration backlog.

Epic Story Requirements for users Anonymous Regular Creator Admin
38 12 Register an account using e-mail and password x
38 13 Validate own e-mail x x x
38 14 Login in main page with e-mail and password x x x x
38 15 Change e-mail x x x
38 16 Delete own e-mail account x x
37 17 Register own account using user and password x
37 17 Login in admin page with user and password x x
37 17 Change own user data (name, lastname) x x
38 18 Change own password x x x
37 17 Delete own user-account x
38 35 Sign out/log out x x x
37 17 Administrate users and password x
41 19 view list of published DIY projects x x x x
41 20 View details of a published DIY project x x x x
41 21 View published components of a DIY project x x x x
41 20 View instructions of a DIY project x x x x
38 22 Mark a DIY project as own favourite x x x
39 23/24 Create a DIY project and its details x x
39 26 Create components (DIY subprojects) x x
39 25 Create instructions x x
39 27 Modify a DIY project and its details x x
39 28 Modify a component and its details x x
39 29 Modify the instructions of a DIY project x x
39 30 Delete a DIY project and its details x x
39 31 Delete a component x x
39 32 Delete instructions x x
39 33 Change state published/Draft a DIY project x x
39 34 Change state published/Draft a component x x

Other requirements

Development plan

Since development must be managed under the agile methodology. Epics, and their corresponding user stories must be defined and, when needed, meet a consensus between the developers and the project owner through agreed acceptance criteria. Also, from a more technical point of view, development tasks and their corresponding story points are defined in order to better evaluate the development effort. The following information lists all these issues. Please follow the links to access the full information stored on github.

#37 EPIC: Setup initial development environment

As a developer, I can setup initial environment, so that The website can be developed

#36 USER STORY: Create Development Environment

As developer, I can setup the development environment, so that I can start developing the website

Story Points: 8
#17 USER STORY: Administrate users

As Administrator, I can Create/modify/delete user accounts and their privileges, so that I can assign who signs in on the website and who can create or modify content

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in any website page

Then I can access the admin web page selecting the Admin option in the user menu

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in admin website page

Then I can add/delete/modify any user

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in admin website page

Then I can add/delete/modify any user group

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in admin website page

Then I can add/delete/modify any privilege of any user and any group

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in admin website page

Then I can add/delete/modify any privilege of any user and any group

Story Points: 8

#39 EPIC: DIY Project creation and management

As a content creator, I can add/modify/delete DIY projects, so that the DIY Projects can be published and access by users in the website

#40 USER STORY: Register users as Content Creators

As Administrator, I can Give privileges to users to became Content Creators, so that This content creators can handle DIY projects

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am an administrator

When a user is designed as Content Creator

Then I can assign this user to the Content Creator user group

Given that I am an administrator

When a user is no longer designed as Content Creator

Then I can revoke their Content Creator user privileges

Given that I am a Content Creator

When I want to create/modify/delete a DIY Project

Then I have sufficient privileges to perform those tasks

Story Points: 3
#23 USER STORY: Create a DIY project

As content creator, I can Create a DIY project, so that I can publish it and share it on the website

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am in any website page

Then I can access the admin web page selecting the Admin option in the user menu

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am in admin website page

Then I can create a new DIY Project

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have created a new DIY Project

Then The Created date, Modified_Date and Parent fields are automatically created for this DIY project

Story Points: 8
#24 USER STORY: Create DIY project details

As content creator, I can create the DIY project details, so that project can have a featured image and description

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have created a new DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can assign a Title, Author, Status, and Featured Image

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have created a new DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can edit a WSWG document to the description

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have created a new DIY Project (Thing)

Then Slug field should be assign/updated automatically.

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have created a new DIY Project (Thing)

Then I need to use a Save button to permanently store the changes in the database

Story Points: 8
#25 USER STORY: Create Instructions

As content creator, I can create a list of project instructions, so that the users can read and follow them

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can create a new instructions element that will be automatically assigned to the current DIY Project

Story Points: 5
#26 USER STORY: Create component

As content creator, I can create a list of components, so that a user can view and gather the building blocks to fulfil the project

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can create a new component that will be automatically assigned to the current DIY Project

Story Points: 5
#27 USER STORY: Modify a project details

As content creator, I can modify the DIY project details, so that the project can be corrected or upgraded

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can change the Title, Author, Status, and Featured Image

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can edit a WSWG document to the description

Story Points: 0
#28 USER STORY: Modify component

As content creator, I can modify the component details, so that the component can be corrected or upgraded

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can change the title of the Instructions element

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can change the content of Instructions with a WSWG built-in editor

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I need to use a Save button to permanently store the changes in the database

Story Points:3
#29 USER STORY: Modify instructions

As content creator, I can modify the project instructions, so that the project can be corrected or upgraded

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can change the title of the Instructions element

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can change the content of Instructions with a WSWG built-in editor

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I need to use a Save button to permanently store the changes in the database

Story Points: 5
#30 USER STORY: Delete a project

As content creator, I can delete a DIY project, so that the project does no longer exist on the website

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I select a DIY project from the DIY Projects list in the admin website page

Then I can delete all the selected projects

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project in admin website page

Then I can delete the current DIY Project

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have requested to delete one or more DIY projects

Then I will have to explicitly confirm the deletion


Built in #23

Story Points: 0
#31 USER STORY: Delete component

As content creator, I can delete a component, so that the component does no longer exist on the website

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can delete an existing DIY Component from the current DIY Project

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have requested to delete one or more DIY Components

Then I will have to explicitly confirm the deletion


Built in #26

Story Points: 0
#32 USER STORY: Delete Instructions

As content creator, I can delete project instructions, so that those instructions do no longer exist on the website

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I am modifying a DIY Project (Thing)

Then I can delete an existing Instructions element from the current DIY Project

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have requested to delete one or more Instructions elements

Then I will have to explicitly confirm the deletion


Built in #25

Story Points: 0
#33 USER STORY: Change project Published status

As content creator, I can change a project published status , so that the project is available to users when marked as published or hidden when it is marked as draft

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have selected one or more DIY Projects from the DIY projects list

Then I can toggle the published flag Status so that the DIY Project can be shown or hidden from viewing users.

Story Points: 5
#34 USER STORY: Change component published status

As content creator, I can change a component published status, so that the component information is available to users when marked as published or hidden when it is marked as draft

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Creator user (member of the Content Creator group)

When I have selected a component from a DIY Project

Then I can toggle the published flag Status so that this Component from the DIY Project can be shown or hidden from viewing users.

Story Points: 1

#41 EPIC: View DIY Projects

As a user, I can access the published DIY Projects, so that I can follow their instructions and replicate them

#19 USER STORY: View list of published projects

As user, I can view a list of published projects, so that I can choose what projects to view in detail

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a user

When I am in any website page

Then I can access the website home page clicking on the website logo or brand name

Given that I am a user

When I am in the home website page

Then I can view the list of all the published DIY Projects

Given The list of all the published DIY Projects is displayed

When each DIY project is displayed

Then The Title, featured pictured, author, published date and number of likes should be displayed

Given that I am a user

When I select a DIY Projects from the DIY Project list

Then I get redirected to the selected DIY Project details webpage

Story Points: 5
#20 USER STORY: View details of a DIY project

As user, I can Access the details of the selected DIY project, so that I can view the components and the instructions

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a user

When I am redirected to the DIY Project details website page

Then I can view the DIY Project's Title, featured image, author, Published date, Description, number of components, number of Instructions, Number of likes, the components list and the Instructions list

Given that I am a user

When viewing the components list

Then I can see each component's title, featured image, and description

Given that I am a user

When viewing the instructions list

Then I can see each instruction's title, and its content

Story Points: 8
#21 USER STORY: View Components

As user, I can select and view a project component, so that I can access the details of the component

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a user

When in the DIY Project details webpage, and selecting a component from the components list

Then if the component is also a DIY Project, I get redirected to this DIY Project detail website page

Story Points: 3

#38 EPIC: User registration

As a user, I can register myself on the website, so that hold my information about the website

#12 USER STORY: Register an account

As anonymous user, I can register myself, so that I can select my favourite content

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am an Anonymous user (non registered)

When I am in the sign-in website page

Then I can access the sign-up page following the sign up link

Given that I am an Anonymous user (non registered)

When I am in any website page

Then I can access the sign-up page selecting the sin-up option in the user menu

Given that I am a non Anonymous user (user already registered)

When I am in the home page

Then the join us ... link should not be available

Given that I am in the sign-up webpage

When I have entered a valid e-mail address and a valid password

Then The new account is created

Story Points: 3
#13 USER STORY: Validate e-mail

As user, I can validate my own e-mail, so that I can sign in the website

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a new Registered user

When I have created an account using the sign-up webpage

Then an e-mail validation is sent to the new account e-mail address

Then we will be redirected to a webpage with instructions on how to verify the e-mail Address.

Given that I am a new Registered user that has received an e-mail verification e-mail

When I follow the link contained in the e-mail verification e-mail

Then I will be directed to the confirm-Email webpage

Given that I am a new Registered user redirected to the confirm-Email webpage

When I click the confirm button

Then the e-mail is confirmed

Then I am redirected to the sign-in webpage

Story Points: 3
#14 USER STORY: Sign in

As user, I can sign on the website, so that I can mark my favourite content

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Registered user not logged in

When I am in any website page

Then I can access the sign-in web page selecting the sign in option in the user menu

Given that I am a Registered user not logged in

When I am in the home page

Then I can access the sign-in web page following the join us ... link

Given that I am in the sign-in webpage

When I have entered a valid e-mail address and a valid password

Then I become logged in the website

Then The user menu button should contain my username

Given that I am a user not logged in

When I am in any website page

Then The user menu button should contain Anonymous

Story Points: 3
#15 USER STORY: Change e-mail

As user, I can change my own e-mail address, so that I can sign in on the website with new e-mail address

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a Registered user

When I am in any website page

Then I can access the E-mail web page selecting the E-mail option in the user menu

Given that I am in the e-mail webpage

When I fill the email field with a valid e-mail address and use the button Add Email

Then The e-mail address is added to user's list of addresses

Given that I am in the e-mail webpage and I have more than one e-mail addresses

When I select an e-mail address from the list and use the button Make Primary

Then The selected e-mail address will be the new Primary that will be used for sign-in

Story Points: 1
#16 USER STORY: Delete own account

As user, I can Delete my own account, so that I can erase my information from the website

Note: This user story is not included in the DIY Site Backlog iteration.

#17 USER STORY: Administrate users

As Administrator, I can Create/modify/delete user accounts and their privileges, so that I can assign who signs in on the website and who can create or modify content

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in any website page

Then I can access the admin web page selecting the Admin option in the user menu

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in admin website page

Then I can add/delete/modify any user

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in admin website page

Then I can add/delete/modify any user group

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in admin website page

Then I can add/delete/modify any privilege of any user and any group

Given that I am an Administrator user

When I am in admin website page

Then I can add/delete/modify any privilege of any user and any group

Story Points: 8
#18 USER STORY: Reset/Change password

As user, I can Reset and change my own password, so that I can recover my account if I forget my password or enforce security to my account

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am in the sign-in webpage

When following the link `Forgot your password?'

Then I get redirected to the Password/reset webpage

Given that I am in the Password/reset webpage

When I fill my user e-mail address and use the Reset My Password button

Then a password reset e-mail is sent to the e-mail address

Then we will be redirected to a webpage with instructions on how to reset the password.

Given that I am a Registered user that has received a password reset e-mail

When I follow the link contained in the password reset e-mail

Then I will be redirected to the change password webpage

Given that I am a Registered user that has been redirected to the change password webpage

When I fill in a valid password

Then The account password will be changed to the new password

Then I will be redirected to the change password done webpage

Story Points: 1
#22 USER STORY: Mark a project as favourite

As a registered user, I can mark a project as favourite, so that I can keep a collection of favourite projects and the projects get rated

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a signed-in user

When I am viewing a DIY Project details

Then I can click on the favourite icon to toggle the current DIY Project as favourite for me.

Story Points: 5

Web Site Sketches

To outline the design of the website, I have created the following sketches to guide the development of the user interface. But, since for the administration of the website I will mainly rely on the Django administration interface, and even though it will be customized, I didn't find the need to design the wireframes of those pages, since the style is already defined in the framework and regular users will not access it anyways.

For this type of website content, I assume that the authors will produce descriptions and instructions with long texts, so the main design is also oriented towards large screens. I then adapt this content so that it can also be viewed by an eventual user of a small screen device.

Base Page

This design only sketches the header and footer of the pages. This should be consistent across all pages.

Home page and DIY projects list

This page is the landing page and displays a carousel of images and phrases that define the website and shows the list of available DIY projects as well as inviting the users to register to allow them to select their favourite projects.

DIY project Details


It is a customer requirement to use the services of Elephant as an external SQL service to host the website database. This service provider has servers running PostgreSQL servers.

Since the development framework is based on Django, we will use its built in user management functionality from its allauth package.

Django's Allauth uses a database user table that its represented on the leeft of the following figure, which is included in this figure tu identify the relations with the website non built in database model.

The table named diy_thing stores the details of DIY projects and DIY components. A special detail of the implementation is that this table has a cyclic reference to itself in order to accommodate a tree structure for the DIY components, which in turn are DIY projects themselves.

The table named 'diy_instructions' stores the details of the DIY Project Instructions and a 'one-to-many' relationship with its corresponding DIY Project.

The table called diy_thing_likes functions as an intermediate table that stores references to all of each user's favourite DIY Projects as a many to many relationship.

All these tables are automatically created by Django from the application model classes Thing and Instructions, so with only two classes, all the necessary database structure is created.

Although there is no specific class for the diy_thing_likes table, it is also produced by Django when it recognizes the many-to-many relationship in the Thing class in the application model.


Users Home page

The home page or landing page is presented on the root page of the site's domain. Since the sole purpose of this website is to share personal DIY projects, I designed it in a minimalist way with a single carousel banner that explains the purpose of the site and a paginated list of DIY projects available for sharing, where each of the DIY projects is represented by a link showing its title, featured image, author, time of publication and number of likes.

When an unregistered user browses the site, a link at the top of the page encourages them to register and redirects them to the registration page. On the other hand, if the user is already logged in, the link will encourage them to view and rate the DIY projects, and this link will redirect them to the list of DIY projects below..


The main navigation bar appears at the top of all user web pages containing links to the social media sites where the website owner have presence.

Users Navigation Bar

The main navigation bar appears at the top of all user web pages, and maintains the minimalist style. It displays only the site's logo and name, as a link to the home page, and a drop-down menu that allows the user to access registration, login, logout and other functions.

The drop-down menu is located in the top right corner and is represented by a user icon containing the user's name if signed in.

User Dropdown Menu

This menu is located at the top right of the user's navigation bar, and its drop-down content varies depending on the user's context.

User Menu options:
Drop-down Menu content.
Anonimous User Regular User Administrators/Content Creators

Sign Up

Sign In

Sign Out


DIY Project details

Once the user has selected a DIY project link, the details web page is displayed giving access to the details, the DIY components and the Instructions, so that the user can follow them to reproduce the object described in the project..

The layout of this page is highly dependent on the design of the DIY project content creator, as the description fields and instructions are displayed as HTML documents that can be fully customized with colours and images, allowing for a very flexible result.The order in which the information is presented is one of the few limitations that have been set when displaying the DIY project.

Administration pages

All the administrative tasks have been delegated to Django Allauth extensions, wich brings a lot of development releaf, but also comes with layout design limitations. Only the logo, website name and color schemas are customized using a modified copy of the original Django Allouth templates.

Content Creators homepage

This page gives the content creators access to all DIY project (Things), individual instructions documents or any document attachment stored by Django's Sumernote extension.

DIY-Things webpage

This page provides a list of the DIY projects (Things) created. The filter pannel will allow the creator to narrow down the list based on its parent project, the published status and the creation date. We can also search a particular text in the title or description text of the DIY projects if we want to locate a particular project.

Marking the desired Things we can use the Delete/Publish/Set as draft actions on any number of selected Things at once.

Clicking on any Thing's tytle from the list will present the Change Thing page for the selected Thing, where all the DIY Project data can be edited

Change Thing webpages

This is probably the most complex administrative web page on this website. It combines the functions of adding/deleting/modifying DIY project details, components and instructions on a single page. It is designed so that the Creator can manage the DIY project information without having to navigate through many pages or make unnecessary clicks.

Once you have made changes to your DIY Project, there are three ways to save. Save all changes and return to the list, save all changes and continue editing in the current DIY Project, or save all changes and create a new blank DIY Project. Exiting this page or reloading without saving, will immediately delete all changes made to the DIY Project.

On this web page we can distinguish three areas: the details of the DIY Project at the top, followed by the list of components called "Things", and at the bottom, the list of instructions called "Instructions".

Change the DIY Project details

This upper area of the "Change Thing webpage" allows the content creator to change the Title, the Author, and the Status (Draft/Published). It allows also to assign a Featured Image that will be used in the list of DIY Projects at the home page.

The most important element that can be modified in this area areis the Description. This field has an embebded WSIWYG editor from the Django Sumernote extension, that allows to insert text, images, videos, links and any HTML/CSS needed to present the project. It is the responsability of the creator to write a description that will be displayed correctly to the final user .

Change the DIY Project Components (Things)

The DIY Components (Things) of a DIY Project (Thing) are in fact themselves Thing elements, so they can also be edited like a normal DIY Project. The only difference is that DIY Components have a "parent" object to which they belong.

New DIY Components can be added using the "Add another Thing" link at the bottom of the list.

On the Change Thing web page, each of its DIY Components are listed under "Things", and only their Title, Author, Status and Description are shown. To minimize screen space and rendering time, the Description is hidden by default, but can be displayed and edited using the show link next to the 'DESCRIPTION' label.

The rest of the information about a DIY component is not displayed, but can be edited by clicking on the 'change' link next to the DIY component name, which will bring up a new, separate modal Change Thing page for this DIY component.

Change the DIY Project Instructions

On the Change Thing website, each of your DIY Instructions is listed under "INSTRUCTIONSS", and only its Title is displayed. To minimise screen space and rendering time, the Description is hidden by default, but can be displayed and edited using the show link next to the 'INSTRUCTIONS' label.

Note: The list name "INSTRUCTIONSS" is automatically created by Django admin based on the name assigned to the class model. More research on Django is needed to modify this name or further customize the layout of the list.

The list of Instructions is ordered by Title. This is useful if you need to maintain a particular order in the instructions, so assigning titles such as "Step 01", "Step 02", etc. could be used to maintain a strict order.

New Instructions elements can be added using the "Add another Instructions" link at the bottom of the list.

Instructions field, like the Description fields, has an embebded WSIWYG editor from the Django Sumernote extension, that allows to insert text, images, videos, links and any HTML/CSS needed to present the instructions. It is the responsability of the creator to write a Instructions element that will be displayed correctly to the final user .

The Instructions element can be also edited by clicking on the 'change' link next to the DIY Instructions element title, which will bring up a new, separate modal Change Instructions page.

DIY-Instructions webpage

This page provides a list of the Instruction items created, and is a convenient way to access a particular Instruction item without having to open the DIY Project to which it belongs.

The filtering panel will allow the creator to narrow down the list according to their DIY Project (By Thing) or by the parent of the DIY Project. It is also possible to search on a specific text in the title or in the text of the DIY Project Instructions if we want to locate a specific Instructions element.

By marking the desired Instruction items, the Delete action can be used on any number of selected Instruction items at the same time.

Clicking on the title of any Instructions item in the list opens its Change Instructions page, where the Instructions data can be edited.

Change Instructions webpage

In this page Instructions item data can be edited.

Once all the required changes to the Instructions item have been made, there are three ways to save the data. Save all changes and return to the list, save all changes and continue editing in the current Instructions item, or save all changes and create a new blank Instructions item. Exiting this page or reloading without saving, will immediately delete all changes made to the Instructions item.

The Instructions field has an embebded WSIWYG editor from the Django Sumernote extension, that allows to insert text, images, videos, links and any HTML/CSS needed to present the instructions. It is the responsability of the creator to write a Instructions element that will be displayed correctly to the final user .

The Instructions elements are presented to the end user sorted by Title. This is useful if a particular order needs to be maintained in the instructions, so assigning titles such as "Step 01", "Step 02", etc. could be used to maintain a strict order. Special care should be taken when changing the Title, as it may affect the order in which the instructions are presented to the end-user.

Administrators webpage

This web page is only available when the user is an administrator, and provides full access to all website settings.

This documentation only shows the main admin page, as the DIY pages are the same as described for content creators, and the rest can be found in the Django documentation.

Future Enhancements

In the current project it is assumed that content creation is done by administrators and staff, who have unrestricted access to all content in the system, and that users can only browse a master list of DIY projects. In a future implementation, the following capabilities would be desired:


Testing Strategy

Since the webpages for the unknown or regular users that are the webpages handled from scratch by the project which are minimalistic and simple, and the administrative pages are mostly handled by a well tested Django Allauth extensions, I decided that a manual testing strategy for the application can be easier to deploy and more effective in terms of time and human efforts.

As for the code validation, I use online applications to check that the source code for all the languages used are in line with the required standards.

Validating the Source

Django Python code

In order to validate the python code as PEP8 compliant, I have run it througt "CI Python Linter" online tool and checked the results

The only PEP8 error I systematically allow is the "E501 line too long". This is a personal decision and the reason I allow this error is because nowadays developers' monitors no longer have a limit of 80 characters per line and following this rule is extremely annoying for me.

Done File Result Pass Additional info
x asgi.py No errors x
x settings.py 9 errors - E501 Line too long x E501 ignored
x urls.py No errors x
x wsgi.py No errors x
x admin.py 16 errors - E501 Line too long x E501 ignored
x apps.py No errors x
x models.py 5 errors - E501 Line too long x E501 ignored
x tests.py No errors x
x urls.py No errors x
x views.py 2 errors - E501 Line too long x E501 ignored

CSS code

In order to validate the CSS code, I tried to pass the url of the deployed website to the CSS validator from W3C, but there where many warnings related to the many third party extensions used by Bootstrap and others.

I decide to validate only the style.css file that is really the only one I have customized. The result is as follows:

Unfortunately the result is in spanish, but translates to "Congratulations!, No errors found" and "This document is CSS version 3

The validator only reported 2 warnings regarding two features from a vendor extension, which its no problem.

HTML code

In order to validate HTML, I pass the deployed website urls that I want to test to the HTML validator from W3C.

Testing the application

Most of the bugs have been detected and fixed in the development process. And Deployment in Heroku counts for me as a Smoke Test for the application. Then all the specific features can be tested.

In order to test most of the developed features, I created a list of test cases to run in the deployed website

TC-01 - user website navigation
Done Step Description Expectations Result Pass Additional info
x 1 Navigate to the home page Home page is shown OK x -
x 2 The banner carrousel automatically move left one picture every 3 seconds OK x
x 3 In any page click on header brand logo redirects to home page OK x
x 4 In any page click on header brand name redirects to home page OK x
x 5 Anonymous user in any page click on user menu button offers `Sign Up` and `Sign In` options OK x
x 6 Regular signed-in user in any page click on user menu button offers `E-mail` and `Sign Out` options OK x
x 7 Administrator or creator signed-in user in any page click on user menu button offers `Admin`, `E-mail`, and `Sign Out` options OK x
x 8 In any page click on `Sign Up` option menu redirects to the sign-up page OK x
x 9 In any page Click on `Sign In` option menu redirects to the sign-in page OK x
x 10 Anonymous user In Home page click on 'Join us..' link redirects to the sign-in page OK x
X 11 Signed in user In Home page click on 'Check out ...' link Redirects to the DIY project list below OK x
x 12 In Home page click on `<` on the banner carrousel moves the carrousel one picture left OK x
x 13 In Home page click on `>` on the banner carrousel Moves the carrousel one picture right OK x
x 14 In Home page click on any DIY project picture redirects to the selected DIY Project details page OK x
x 15 In Home page click on any DIY project Title redirects to the selected DIY Project details page OK x
x 16 In DIY Project details page click on heart icon (likes)

The heart icon toggles the fill colour

The number of likes change accordingly

OK x
x 17 In any page click on any social media icon at the footer Opens the new webpage to the corresponding social network OK x Action works correctly but does not point to any particular social account.
TC-02 – Unregistered user sign-up procedure
Done Step Description Expectations Result Pass Additional info
x 1 In sign-up page enter an invalid email, a valid username and valid passwords, and push sign-up button (e.g. “theemail” as email) Message indicating invalid email OK x
x 2 In sign-up page enter a valid email, an invalid username and valid passwords, and push sign-up button (e.g. “test!!user” as user name) Message indicating invalid user name OK x
x 3 In sign-up page enter a valid email, a valid username and two different passwords, and push sign-up button Message indicating passwords must be the same OK x
x 4 In sign-up page enter a blank email, a valid username and valid passwords, and push sign-up button Message indicating to fill email OK x
x 5 In sign-up page enter a valid email, a blank username and valid passwords, and push sign-up button Message indicating to fill username OK x
x 6 In sign-up page enter a valid email, a valid username and empty passwords, and push sign-up button Message indicating to fill passwords OK x
x 7 In sign-up page enter a valid email, a valid username and valid passwords, and push sign-up button

Redirected to confirm-email page.

An e-mail requesting to confirm the account is sent to the email with the “confirmation link”

OK x
x 8 In sign-up page enter an existing valid email, a different valid username and valid passwords, and push sign-up button

Redirected to confirm-email page.

An e-mail warning of a duplicate e-mail attempt is sent to the email

OK x
x 9 Navigate to a valid ‘confirmation link’ Presents the email confirmation page with a confirm button OK x
x 10 Navigate to an invalid ‘confirmation link’

Presents the email confirmation page with the “invalid confirmation link” message

Offers a “request a password reset” link

OK x
x 11 In an email confirmation page press the confirm button Redirected to sign-in page OK x
x 12 In sign-up page enter a valid email, an existing valid username and valid passwords, and push sign-up button Message indicating that the username already exists OK x
x 13 In the sign-in page click the ‘sign up’ link redirects to the sign-up page OK x
TC-03 – registered user sign-in procedure
Done Step Description Expectations Result Pass Additional info
x 1 In sign-in pag enter an invalid email, a valid passwords, and push sign-in button (e.g. “username” as email) Message indicating invalid email OK x
x 2 In sign-in page enter a blank email, a valid password, and push sign-in button Message indicating to fill email OK x
x 3 In sign-in page enter a valid registered email, an incorrect password, and push sign-in button Message indicating wrong email or password OK x
x 4 In sign-in page enter a valid non registered email, and password, and push sign-in button Message indicating wrong email or password OK x
x 5 In sign-in page enter a valid registered email and correct password, and push sign-in button

Redirects to home page

User menu button shows the username

User menu options are ‘e-mail’ and ‘Sign Out’

OK x
TC-04 – registered user reset password procedure
Done Step Description Expectations Result Pass Additional info
x 1 In sign-in page click the ‘Forgot your Password?’ link Redirects to password-reset page OK x
x 2 In password-reset page enter a blank email and press ‘reset’ button Message indicating to fill email OK x
x 3 In password-reset page enter an invalid email and press ‘reset’ button Message indicating invalid email OK x
x 4 In password-reset page enter a valid unregistered email and press ‘reset’ button

Redirects to reset-done page

presents a message saying that the reset email is sent

An email is sent to the email address with a link to the sign-up page

OK x
x 5 In sign-in page enter a valid registered email and correct password, and push sign-in button

Redirects to reset-done page

presents a message saying that the reset email is sent

An email is sent to the email address with a link to the change-password page

OK x
x 6 In password-change page enter blank passwords and press change password button Message indicating to fill passwords OK x
x 7 In password-change page enter different passwords and press change password button Message indicating to fill same passwords OK x
x 8 In password-change page enter correct passwords and press change password button

Redirects to change-password-done page.

The new password is active

OK x
TC-05 – signed in user change e-mail procedure
Done Step Description Expectations Result Pass Additional info
x 1 In any page Click on `E-mail` option menu Redirects to email-addresses page OK x
x 2 In email-addresses page enter a blank email and press ‘Add Email’ button Message indicating to fill email OK x
x 3 In email-addresses page enter an invalid email and press ‘Add Email’ button Message indicating invalid email OK x
x 4 In email-addresses page enter a valid already registered email and press ‘Add Email’ button Message indicating email address already registered OK x
x 5 In email-addresses page enter a valid non registered email and press ‘Add Email’ button

A message is displayed requesting to confirm the email address.

An e-mail requesting to confirm the account is sent to the email address with the “confirmation link”

The email-address page is reloaded

The new email address is added to the users email addresses list and it is marked as Unverified

OK x
x 6 In email-addresses page select an unverified email address and press ‘Make Primary’ button Message indicating that the email address has not been verified OK x
x 7 In email-addresses page select a verified email address and press ‘Make Primary’ button

A message is displayed confirming that the email address is primary now.

An e-mail requesting to confirm the account is sent to the email address with the “confirmation link”

The email-address page is reloaded

The selected email address is marked as Primary

The new email address is active for next sign-in

OK x

The development environment

For the development of this application the following list of frameworks, services and resources where used


Files and Images


The site was deployed via Heroku. Access the site using the following link -DIY Site

For the deployment in Heroku, we assume that the media files server and the database server is already defined and a base database is restored from a backup. Otherwise, the process of deployment must be done using a development environment first, and use the fixtures from Django to populate the database with the minimum information. In that scenario, first clonning the repository could be a better choice.

How to deploy the project on Heroku

  1. Sign up / Log in to Heroku

  2. From the main Heroku Dashboard page select 'New' and then 'Create New App'

  3. Give the project a name and select the region, then select create app.

    I used ‘dys’ as the name for my Heroku app

  4. Once finished creating the app, navigate to the setting tab, and select the Reveal Config Vars in the config vars section. And create the following variables:

    • ALLOWED_HOSTS = [the address for the deployed application host]

      usually, after the deployment, this variable can be found in the application Settings tab, under Domains section

    • DEVELOPMENT = False

      This is a very important variable. If it is not present, the application will asume False, but if it is specifically set to True, the deployed application will be in debug mode, and could be vulnerable for hackers.

    • SECRET_KEY = [your secret key]

      With Python, get_random_secret_key() from django.core.management.utils can be used to create this variable

    • DATABASE_URL =[your database service url]

      This variable is provided by the database server, in my case its ElepantSQL. And it looks like :


    • CLOUDINARY_URL = [your media file service url]

      This variable is provided by the media files server, in my case its Cloudinary. And it looks like :


    • EMAIL_HOST = [your email service host]

      In my case I use google host “smtp.gmail.com”

    • EMAIL_HOST_USER = [your website email account username]

      in my case I use “pruebasdeprogramacion13@gmail.com”

    • EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = [your website email account password]

      Be careful with his password, because some email service providers do not support user password, but a special application password.

      This variables would have to be defined in the env.py file of the project if the application runs in the local computer of a development environment.

  5. In Heroku, navigate to the “Deploy” tab and use the option “GitHub (connect to GitHub)”

    Scroll down and click on “Connect to GitHub”

    In the repository search option, type the name of this repository or your own repository name if you have cloned it, and then use the “Connect” option and wait for the new “Deploy Branch” option appear.

    Use the “Deploy Branch” option and wait until the deployment is complete.

    Once you receive the message “The app was successfully deployed” you can access the deployed applications

  6. Once the application is deployed, do not forget to assign the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable from the step 4 if it was not assigned earlier.

Create a clone of this repository

Creating a clone enables you to make a copy of the repository allowing you to run the application in your local development environment:

  1. Navigate to This repository

  2. click on the arrow on the green ‘code’ button at the top of the list of files

  3. select the ‘HTTP’ option to clone using the web URL and copy the URL to your clipboard.

  4. At you local computer, use the console and change your directory to the disk directory where you want the application to be cloned.

  5. At the console prompt, type 'git clone ' and paste the https link from your clipboard, followed by enter

  6. once the git command has finished, you should have a local copy of the repository that can be opened by a IDE of your choice and for example, push it to a new repository in GitHub to deploy it from your own repository


Project EXTENSION at customer's request

After submitting the project for customer review, the Project Owner has pointed out that some functionality was missing. This extension is added to address this shortcoming.

Customer requirements for users extension

As part of the customer's requirements, new CRUD functionalities are added to create a "comment & reply" system integrated to the existing development. The following is the list of the requirements added to the development

Epic Story Requirements for users Anonymous Regular Creator Admin
42 43 view list of comments for a selected DIY project X x x x
42 44 Create a comment for a selected DIY project x x x
42 45 Modify your own comment for a selected DIY project x x x
42 46 Modify any comment for a selected DIY project x x
42 47 Delete your own comment for a selected DIY project x x x
42 48 Delete any comment for a selected DIY project x x
42 43 view list of replies for a selected comment X x x x
42 44 Create a reply for a selected comment x x x
42 45 Modify your own reply for a selected comment x x x
42 46 Modify any reply for a selected comment x x
42 47 Delete your own reply for a selected comment x x x
42 48 Delete any reply for a selected comment x x

Development plan extension

Only one EPIC has been defined for this extension which covers the full "Comment & Reply" system development.

#42 EPIC: Comment & Reply system for DIY Projects

As a registered user, I can add/modify/delete Comments and Replies, so that any user can review the comments and replies for a particular DIY Project

#43 USER STORY: View the list of Comments/Replies for a selected DIY project

As user, I can view the list of Comments/Replies assigned to a particular DIY Project, so that I can read what other users have to say about the project

Acceptance Criteria
Story Points: 8
#44 USER STORY: Create a Comment/Reply for a selected DIY project

As registered user, I can create a Comment/Reply assigned to a particular DIY Project, so that I can provide opinion and information for other users

Acceptance Criteria
Story Points: 5
#45 USER STORY: Modify your own comment for a selected DIY project

As registered user, I can modify my own Comment/Reply assigned to a particular DIY Project, so that I can change my opinion and information

Acceptance Criteria
Story Points: 5
#46 USER STORY: Modify any comment/Reply for a selected DIY project

As creator or administrator user, I can modify any Comment/Reply assigned to a particular DIY Project, so that I can change the content information

Acceptance Criteria
Story Points: 3
#47 USER STORY: Delete your own comment for a selected DIY project

As registered user, I can delete my own Comment/Reply assigned to a particular DIY Project, so that I can remove completely the comment information and all the associated replies

Acceptance Criteria
Story Points: 5
#48 USER STORY: Delete any comment for a selected DIY project

As creator or administrator user, I can delete any Comment/Reply assigned to a particular DIY Project, so that I can remove completely the comment information and all the associated replies

Acceptance Criteria
Story Points: 3

Database Extension

The following drawing is a ERD representation of the database including the new Comments functionality. It was produced by pgAdmin4 ERD tool, and acomodated to feet in a small drawing. For further explanation of the tables, follow this link

The table named diy_comments stores all the comments and replies posted by users about DIY projects. A special detail of the implementation is that this table, like the diy_thing has a cyclic reference to itself in order to accommodate a tree structure for the replies, which in turn are also comments themselves. This table maintains three "one to many" relationships with the auth_user, diy_thing tables and with itself. So any registered user will be able to create any number of comments on any project and any number of replies to any comment.