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#164: bug with multiple registrations by changing case fixed #167

Closed IgorMaksymov closed 8 years ago

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

164: bug with multiple registrations by changing case fixed

connect to #164

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@AndriyBaibak time spent: 30m

vaa25 commented 8 years ago


  1. no tests
  2. why do you think SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException is bad exception?
IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@vaa25 test for multiple registrations is not working. because it is not throwing any SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException, its throwing PSQLException, which is SQLException. issue https://github.com/JuniorsJava/itevents/issues/155

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

blocked with #155 @AndriyBaibak @romach

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@vaa25 its not blocked anymore

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov no test showing solved problem in task

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@AndriyBaibak 50 min with other reviews today before

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@vaa25 fixed

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov It must be integration test. it shoud try register new user via controller through service and dao. Dao have to work with dbunit. dbunit must contain similar login. Test have to check response code and message. Also last commit has conflicts with master

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@vaa25 my unit test shows that in DAO layer user comes with LOWERCASE, but in SERVICE layer incoming parameter is in UPPERCASE. we dont need such complicated test, as you described.

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@vaa25 fixed

romach commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov I think that manipulations with case of username in UserService is a bad idea. It is better to use validation in UserRestController.registerNewSubscriber() to solve this issue.

romach commented 8 years ago

@AndriyBaibak time spent: 30 minutes

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@romach you want @email validation? the problem is, that in database saves "emAil", when there already exist login "email"

or you want to send message to user, that he must type his login with lovercase? in this case, its better to handle this in our side.

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@romach are this manipulations are part of business logic?

romach commented 8 years ago

are this manipulations are part of business logic?

@vaa25 yes, they are. But I think that this business logic is wrong. For example, I try to register with username Roma@mail.com (such username is absent in DB). user.setLogin(user.getLogin().toLowerCase()); changes my username and do not throw any errors that this username is wrong. After registration I will figure out that my username is roma@mail.com (maybe I don't want this). I think that: 1) if uppercase letters in username are not allowed, exception must be thrown to user; 2) our system shouldn't change user input data;

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@romach 1) login is an EMAIL, so it should be in lowercase. 2) bothering user with exceptions, because his email not like we need, is not good, so i decided to handle this in our side. 3) i dont see possibilities to make 'Roma/romA/roma/rOMa' to be the same for our database.

romach commented 8 years ago


1) login is an EMAIL, so it should be in lowercase.

according to Wikipedia email can contain uppercase letters;

3) i dont see possibilities to make 'Roma/romA/roma/rOMa' to be the same for our database.

ok, maybe it is better to create separate method checkEmailForUniqIgnoreCase() in UserService to which we will pass lowercased username but in database we will store original username.

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@romach yes, it can, and its 2 different emails, read further. this is overengineering, we have simple .toLowerCase, other will not make code more readable..

romach commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov resolve merge conflicts, please

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@romach done

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov where is integration test?

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@vaa25 as is said before, we dont need it. All manipulations is handled in current tests. if you remove .toLoverCase() test will fail.

alex-anakin commented 8 years ago


  1. Issue describe the problem: You can re-register your mail by changing case. So your solution should forbid register user with the same email in different cases. I didn't find the test that shows how user tries to register with the same email in different cases and fails.
  2. For example, the user registered with login Address@mail.com. Can user log in with the same login?
  3. You make adding the new user with login forcibly formatted to lowercase. Why do you format username to lower case when getting it from the database?
IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@alex-anakin 1) yes, he can 2) database will not find user Address@mail.com even if address@mail.com exist

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov If user has Address@mail.com, but we store address@mail.com, can we guarantee that otp and other subscriptions will reach right destination?

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@vaa25 we can move our toLowerCase() to addSubscriver(), also i sent email from our service to adress IVMaksymov@gmail.com and received it.

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@romach passed or not?

romach commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov issue branch builds (locally) with exception:

org.itevents.integration.UserRestControllerIntegrationTest > shouldExpect422IfRegisteringExistingLoginWithUpperCase FAILED
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext

        Caused by:                                      
        org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Invalid bean definition with name 'sendgrid' defined in class path resource [ap
plicationContextIntegrationTestAddon.xml]: Could not resolve placeholder 'sendgrid.api.key' in string value "${sendgrid.api.key}"; nested exception is
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'sendgrid.api.key' in string value "${sendgrid.api.key}"

            Caused by:                                  
            java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'sendgrid.api.key' in string value "${sendgrid.api.key}"
IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@romach TRAVIS build works fine. update properties file, or i forgot to add properties to a template, please check this. Take properties from Travis properties

i've made some additional properties file.

romach commented 8 years ago


@romach TRAVIS build works fine. update properties file, or i forgot to add properties to a template, please check this. Take properties from Travis properties i've made some additional properties file.

Fix test-local.properties.TEMPLATE because we must give properties to local.properties from it

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@romach i dont think that this is more readable. fixed previous mistakes.

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov you shoudn't create own applicationContext for test

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov remove duplicated variables from local.properties.TEMPLATE (look global.properties) @AndriyBaibak 10min

IgorMaksymov commented 8 years ago

@vaa25 it should be done within #221

vaa25 commented 8 years ago

@IgorMaksymov it added in this pr, compare with master to see it