JuliaBox is hosted online at
http://www.juliabox.org/. Join our Mailing
Our goal is to provide the best Julia experience we can. We want to
make it easy for Julia users to run Julia anywhere without too much
fuss. Use Julia through the browser, access lots of processors and
memory, suck in data from anywhere, and have it always accessible
through any device you use so long as it has a browser.
The only constraint is imagination (and server cost).
- Run interactive sessions
- Run IJulia notebooks.
- A bash session is also started in the container, which can be used to run the Julia REPL.
- Run HTTP/WebSocket/Escher applications in the container and access them over the browser.
- File transfer facility into a session's container.
- File synchronization with Google Drive.
- Clone Github repositories.
- Login via Google authentication. Submit a PR for more auth methods!
- Expose Julia packages & functions as REST APIs using JuliaWebAPI
- Sandboxed Docker containers.
- Basic admin screen to delete old and inactive sessions.
- Auto cleanup of sessions and API servers based on inactivity.
- Ability to limit CPU, memory, and disk space for user sessions and APIs.
- Extensible with plugins.