JuliaCloud / LibCloud.jl

Common interface across cloud providers (based on Apache LibCloud)
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LibCloud is a Julia interface for Apache LibCloud.

Apache Libcloud is a Python library which hides differences between different cloud provider APIs and allows you to manage different cloud resources through a unified and easy to use API.


The apache-libcloud python library is needed for LibCloud to work.

If you have set up PyCall to use Conda.jl then LibCloud will automatically install apache-libcloud.

Alternatively, you can install it externally, e.g. pip install --user apache-libcloud.


LibCloud has its different functionalities organized as sub-modules. To start using any of them, type:

using LibCloud
using LibCloud.<submodule>

With each sub-module:

The version of the underlying library is available as LibCloud.version.

API Documentation

Refer to LibCloud API Documentation.

Look at examples in the LibCloud/test subfolder for some common use cases.

Typing ?<type or method> on the Julia REPL would show appropriate help. The Julia help system is hooked to display documentation from the underlying python modules (LibCloud borrows the LazyHelp mechanism used in PyPlot).