JuliaComputing / Multibody.jl

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add SphericalConstraint #91

Open baggepinnen opened 3 months ago

baggepinnen commented 3 months ago

solve for the test example fails with

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Float64(::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{SciMLBase.JacobianWrapper{…}, Float64}, Float64, 1})
number_of_links = 3

chain_length = 2
x_dist = 1.5 # Distance between the two mounting points

systems = @named begin
    chain = Rope(l = chain_length, m = 5, n=number_of_links, c=0, d_joint=0.2, dir=[1, 0, 0], color=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1], radius=0.05, cutprismatic=false, cutspherical=true)
    fixed = FixedTranslation(; r=[x_dist, 0, 0], radius=0.02, color=[0.1,0.1,0.1,1]) # Second mounting point

connections = [
    connect(world.frame_b, fixed.frame_a, chain.frame_a)
    connect(chain.frame_b, fixed.frame_b)

@named mounted_chain = ODESystem(connections, t, systems = [systems; world])

ssys = structural_simplify(IRSystem(mounted_chain))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [
    vec(ori(chain.link_1.frame_a).R.mat) .=> vec(I(3));
], (0, 4))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas4(autodiff=false))
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol)
Multibody.render(mounted_chain, sol, x=3, filename = "mounted_chain.gif") # May take long time for n>=10