JuliaIO / Formatting.jl

Deprecated. See README. (A Julia package to provide Python-like formatting support)
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[!WARNING] This package has been unmaintained for a while, and contains serious bugs. Format.jl is a new version of this package that supports a lot of new features and contains many bug fixes. To update, replace every instance of Formatting with Format, replace fmt with pyfmt, and replace sprintf1 with cfmt.


This package offers Python-style general formatting and c-style numerical formatting (for speed).

PackageEvaluator Build Status Repo Status
Project Status: Unsupported – The project has reached a stable, usable state but the author(s) have ceased all work on it. A new maintainer may be desired.

Getting Started

This package is pure Julia. Setting up this package is like setting up other Julia packages:


To start using the package, you can simply write

using Formatting

This package depends on Julia of version 0.7 or above. It has no other dependencies. The package is MIT-licensed.

Python-style Types and Functions

Types to Represent Formats

This package has two types FormatSpec and FormatExpr to represent a format specification.

In particular, FormatSpec is used to capture the specification of a single entry. One can compile a format specification string into a FormatSpec instance as

fspec = FormatSpec("d")
fspec = FormatSpec("<8.4f")

Please refer to Python's format specification language for details.

FormatExpr captures a formatting expression that may involve multiple items. One can compile a formatting string into a FormatExpr instance as

fe = FormatExpr("{1} + {2}")
fe = FormatExpr("{1:d} + {2:08.4e} + {3|>abs2}")

Please refer to Python's format string syntax for details.

Note: If the same format is going to be applied for multiple times. It is more efficient to first compile it.

Formatted Printing

One can use printfmt and printfmtln for formatted printing:

Formatted String

One can use fmt to format a single value into a string, or format to format one to multiple arguments into a string using an format expression.

Difference from Python's Format

At this point, this package implements a subset of Python's formatting language (with slight modification). Here is a summary of the differences:

C-style functions

The c-style part of this package aims to get around the limitation that @sprintf has to take a literal string argument. The core part is basically a c-style print formatter using the standard @sprintf macro. It also adds functionalities such as commas separator (thousands), parenthesis for negatives, stripping trailing zeros, and mixed fractions.

Usage and Implementation

The idea here is that the package compiles a function only once for each unique format string within the Formatting.* name space, so repeated use is faster. Unrelated parts of a session using the same format string would reuse the same function, avoiding redundant compilation. To avoid the proliferation of functions, we limit the usage to only 1 argument. Practical consideration would suggest that only dozens of functions would be created in a session, which seems manageable.


using Formatting

fmt = "%10.3f"
s = sprintf1( fmt, 3.14159 ) # usage 1. Quite performant. Easiest to switch to.

fmtrfunc = generate_formatter( fmt ) # usage 2. This bypass repeated lookup of cached function. Most performant.
s = fmtrfunc( 3.14159 )

s = format( 3.14159, precision=3 ) # usage 3. Most flexible, with some non-printf options. Least performant.


sprintf1: Speed penalty is about 20% for floating point and 30% for integers.

If the formatter is stored and used instead (see the example using generate_formatter above), the speed penalty reduces to 10% for floating point and 15% for integers.


This package also supplements the lack of thousand separator e.g. "%'d", "%'f", "%'s".

Note: "%'s" behavior is that for small enough floating point (but not too small), thousand separator would be used. If the number needs to be represented by "%e", no separator is used.

Flexible format function

This package contains a run-time number formatter format function, which goes beyond the standard sprintf functionality.

An example:

s = format( 1234, commas=true ) # 1,234
s = format( -1234, commas=true, parens=true ) # (1,234)

The keyword arguments are (Bold keywards are not printf standard)

See the test script for more examples.