JuliaParallel / Blocks.jl

A framework to represent chunks of entities and parallel methods on them.
MIT License
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A framework to:

It represents a typical pattern observed across several types of parallel processing tasks. The Blocks framework can be leveraged to build convenience APIs for parallelizing such tasks. The composability of Blocks lends to a convenient and compact syntax.

As examples of its utility, it has been used to implement chunked and distributed operations on disk files, HDFS files, IO streams, arrays, matrices, and dataframes. Some of them are included in the Blocks module while the rest are available as sub modules of Blocks:

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Creating Blocks

Disk Files

using Blocks

Block(file::File, nblocks::Int=0)
    Where nblocks is the number of chunks to divide the file into.
    Number of chunks (nblocks) defaults to number of worker processes.
    Each chunk is represented as the file and the byte range.
    Assumes that the file is available at all processors and chunks can be processed anywhere.

HDFS Files

using Blocks
using HDFS

    Each chunk is a block in HDFS.
    Processor affinity of each chunk is set to machines where this block has been replicated by HDFS.


using Blocks

Block(A::Array, dims::Array)
    Chunks created across dimensions specified in dims.
    Chunks are not pre-distributed and any chunk can be processed at any processor.

Block(A::Array, dim::Int, nblocks::Int)
    Chunked to nblocks chunks on dimension dim.
    Chunks are not pre-distributed and any chunk can be processed at any processor.

Matrix Operations

Parallelized operations on matrices can be represented and executed using Blocks. Module Blocks.MatOp provides a set of convenience APIs using the MatOpBlock object.

julia> using Blocks

julia> using Blocks.MatOp

julia> # create two matrices

julia> m1 = rand(Int, 6, 10);

julia> m2 = rand(Int, 10, 6);

julia> # create a parallel matrix operation using the two, multiplication in this case

julia> mb = MatOpBlock(m1, m2, :*, 3);

julia> # represent that in blocks

julia> blk = Block(mb);

julia> # execute the operation

julia> result = op(blk);

julia> # verify the result

julia> tr = m1*m2;

julia> all(tr .== result)

Blocks.MatOp can be made to work on any AbstractMatrix implementation, as long as there is:


using Blocks

Block(stream::Union(IOStream,AsyncStream,IOBuffer,BlockIO), maxsize::Int)
    Iterating on the block thus created would read a chunk of data from `stream`.
    Each chunk will represent a `maxsize` sized data block read from `stream`.

Block(stream::Union(IOStream,AsyncStream,IOBuffer,BlockIO), approxsize::Int, dlm::Char)
    Iterating on the block thus created would read a chunk of data from `stream`.
    Each chunk is  approximately of size `approxsize` and ends with the `dlm` character.

Distributed DataFrames (discontinued):

Blocks introduces a distributed DataFrame type named DDataFrame. It holds referenced to multiple remote data frames, on multiple processors. A large table can be read in parallel into a DDataFrame by using the special dreadtable method.

using Blocks
using DataFrames

dreadtable(filename::String; kwargs...)
dreadtable(blocks::Block; kwargs...)
    Where blocks are created from disk or HDFS files or from streams as described in sections above.
dreadtable(ios::Union(AsyncStream,IOStream), chunk_sz::Int, merge_chunks::Bool=true; kwargs...)
        ios is a stream of data
        chunk_sz is the approximate number of bytes to chunk the data into
        merge_chunks indicates whether all chunks on a single processor should be merged. 
        Merging discards positional information but makes the dataframe efficient by having fewer chunks.

A DDataFrame is easily represented as Blocks. DDataFrame has been used with Blocks to implement most DataFrame operations in a distributed manner. Most methods defined on a DataFrame also work on DDataFrames in a distributed manner using pmap and reduce to operate on chunks parallely.

julia> using Blocks

julia> using DataFrames

julia> dt = dreadtable("test.csv")
100x10 DDataFrame. 2 blocks over 2 processors

julia> head(dt)
6x10 DataFrame:
               x1        x2        x3        x4        x5        x6        x7       x8       x9      x10
[1,]     0.105518  0.173988  0.244224 0.0174508 0.0969595   0.12792  0.316974 0.852373 0.165014 0.886957
[2,]     0.319401 0.0719447 0.0019209  0.285511  0.945343  0.926718  0.162048 0.118748 0.361014 0.611316
[3,]     0.516926  0.473779  0.867099  0.408605  0.579969  0.111174 0.0790296 0.263822 0.073827 0.187637
[4,]     0.579538  0.319672  0.600223  0.707782  0.806437  0.402244  0.670792  0.10981 0.518356 0.604807
[5,]     0.660944  0.648076  0.611529  0.885457  0.550101 0.0634721  0.152263 0.855182 0.408393 0.473676
[6,]    0.0324734   0.22839  0.812387   0.59965  0.143703    0.1337  0.945763 0.296137 0.875762 0.989037

julia> colsums(dt)
1x10 DataFrame:
             x1      x2      x3      x4      x5      x6     x7      x8      x9     x10
[1,]    46.1597 41.9286 51.4197 50.1906 48.2623 44.5622 50.914 50.7266 44.1346 51.1001

julia> all(dt+dt .== 2*dt)

Composing Actions on Blocks

Functions can be chained and then applied on to chunks in a block with a pmap or pmapreduce. The Julia notation |> is used to indicate chaining. For example to read a block of DataFrame from a chunk of a disk file:

b = Block(File(filename)) |> as_io |> as_recordio |> as_dataframe

Each function in the chain works on the output of the previous function.

Sometimes it is necessary to separate some of the actions that must be applied locally and serially (e.g. reading from an IO stream), from the remaining that can be distributed to remote processors (e.g. creating a dataframe out of the data chunk). Such actions can be chained by prepending the chain of functions with a @prepare macro.

b = Block(File(filename))
b = @prepare b |> as_io |> as_recordio |> as_bytearray
b = b |> as_dataframe |> nrows

Following is a list of functions provided in the package. User specified functions can be chained in as well:

Map and Reduces on Blocks

Regular Julia map-reduce methods can be used on blocks. The map methods receive the chunks as they have been processed by the chain of actions composed into the Blocks.

julia> ba = Block([1:100], 1, 10);

julia> pmap(x->sum(x), ba)
10-element Any Array:

julia> pmapreduce(x->sum(x), +, ba)

julia> ba = Block([1:100], 1, 10);

julia> map(x->sum(x), ba)
10-element Any Array:

julia> mapreduce(x->sum(x), +, ba)

Defining Blocks for a new type

It is easy to define Blocks for a new type. The minimum requirement is just the constructor: Block(data::T,...). In the Block{T} structure returned,

Both prepare and filter functions can be chained after construction.

In addition to that, you may also override the default implementations of the following:

Sample Use Cases (TODO)