JuliaPluto / static-export-template

A template to automatically convert Pluto notebooks to an HTML website with GitHub Pages. Demo page:
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Update README.md #16

Closed adomasbaliuka closed 1 year ago

adomasbaliuka commented 1 year ago

Address #15 . One potential issue is that the way to access the permissions in the repository settings may change in the future. Maybe the README can be updated again if that happens.

Include instructions for keeping all branches when making repository after template (the CI does not create the branch gh-pages and the instructions say to select it as target for Github Pages, which is only possible it is there)

Include instructions for changing repository permissions to allow Github action to modify repository (required for static site generator).

fonsp commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the PR, and sorry for the late response!

It looks like github changed the default parameters, and everyone who forks our repo needs to enable this setting.

Could you rephrase this as an actual step that people follow, before uploading the first notebook? Don't mention the error message, just explain where they should click (this needs to be as simple as possible).

A screenshot would be great, but I could also make one.

fonsp commented 1 year ago

Also, there is no need to fork the gh-pages branch, so I think it's better to remove that sentence for the sale of simplicity 😃

fonsp commented 1 year ago

Turns out there was an easier solution! #18