JuliaPluto / static-export-template

A template to automatically convert Pluto notebooks to an HTML website with GitHub Pages. Demo page:
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an uploaded .msh file is not found by the deployed notebook #22

Open filzahfiantama opened 4 months ago

filzahfiantama commented 4 months ago

i build a program that need to read a mesh file (meshtrial.msh) generated by GMSH with the package GridapGmsh, which worked locally. Somehow when i open the static export and even run it via binder, the file is not recognized and i got "Msh file not found: meshtrial.msh" error message image

fonsp commented 1 month ago

Hey @filzahfiantama !

Can you add a cell with readdir("."), pwd() and see what the output is?

Could you share a link to your repository?
