JuliaWeb / TLSClient.jl

WIP: Julia interface for OS TLS/TCP (mac/iOS: SecureTransport, Linux: OpenSSL, Win: Schannel...)
MIT License
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WIP/Proposal for a Julia client interface for OS-native TLS over TCP.


Small API

The API has the minimum number of functions and options required to abstract the underlying implementations and to support HTTPS.


TCP Connection hidden by API

The API does not expose the underlying TCP connection or raw file descriptors.


Non blockig API

The API calls are all non-blocking (except for wait(::TLSStream)). This includes no waiting for the network and no waiting for internal locks.


Common wait implementation

wait(tls::TLSStream) should just call poll_fd on a RawFD (in cases where the platform implementation has a RawFD for the connection).


C Abstraction layer

The Julia API interfaces with a single common C header using simple C types. Each platform implementation provides a dynamic library that implements this C interface.


API Sketch


// All functions return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
// On failure: *err is an error code , e.g. :TLS_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND,
// and *errmsg is a description of what went wrong.

// One time global library initilisation.
int tls_init(jl_sym_t** err, char** errmsg);

// Connect to TCP host:port and start TLS handshake.
// tlsout returns a connection handle.
// Note: non-blocking, so any connection or handshake errors won't be
// reported until one of the other API functions is called on this handle.
int tls_connect(char* host, char* port,
                void* tlsout,
                jl_sym_t** err, char** errmsg);

// Close the connection.
int tls_close(void* tls, char** err, char** errmsg);

// Is the connection open?.
// isopen returns 1 or 0.
int tls_isopen(void* tls, int* isopen, char** err, char** errmsg);

// Send bytes.
// nout returns number of bytes sent from buf.
int tls_write(void* tls, uint8_t* buf, size_t n, size_t* nout,
              jl_sym_t** err, char** errmsg);

// How many bytes are available to read?
// nbytes returns number of bytes available to read.
int tls_bytesavailable(void* tls, int* nbytes,
                       jl_sym_t** err, char** errmsg);

// Receive bytes.
// nin returns number of bytes read into buf.
int tls_read(void* tls, uint8_t* buf, size_t n, size_t* nin,
             jl_sym_t** err, char** errmsg);

// Wait (for connection, handshake, read/write network activity etc).
int tls_wait(void* tls, int timeout_ms,
             jl_sym_t** err, char** errmsg);


List of Platform Vendor Supported TLS implementations: