Julien-Cousineau / MNRF

MNRF Dashboard
MIT License
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Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Far North Dashboard

Web-based dashboard/tool to provide MNRF and emergency managers with improved access to near real-time information


Feb-07-2018 Project created


Develop a web-based dashboard/tool to provide MNRF and emergency managers with improved access to near real-time information. The purpose of the new dashboard/tool will be to support emergency management in Ontario’s Far North.


npm install


npm start

Development website


Stations & Rivers

Albany River

Attawapiskat River

Moose River

Winisk River

Data Source

Water Level & Precipitation

KISTERS QueryServices (


station_no: 04HA001

station_id: 146399


station_no: 04HA002

station_id: 146412


station_no: 04HA003

station_id: 481782


station_no: 04FC001

station_id: 146273


station_no: 04LG004

station_id: 146658


station_no: 04DC001

station_id: 146172

Camera Photos

Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/145447898@N03/)

Precipitation from EC

WMS service from weather.gc.ca

https://geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?LANG=E&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&request=GetMap&LAYERS=RDPS.ETA_RT&format=image/png&bbox={bbox-epsg-3857}&srs=EPSG:3857&width=256&height=256&TRANSPARENT=true http://geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet//?LANG=E%26SERVICE=WMS%26VERSION=1.1.1%26REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic%26STYLE=PRECIPRTMMH%26LAYER=RDPS.ETA_RT%26format=image/png

https://geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?LANG=E&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&request=GetMap&LAYERS=RDPS.ETA_RN&format=image/png&bbox={bbox-epsg-3857}&srs=EPSG:3857&width=256&height=256&TRANSPARENT=true http://geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet//?LANG=E%26SERVICE=WMS%26VERSION=1.1.1%26REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic%26STYLE=PRECIPMM%26LAYER=RDPS.ETA_RN%26format=image/png


Radarsat images are coming directly from MNRF.

TIF and KMZ/KMZ are both images. Radarsat is not a vector file but raster file.

Note:GEOJSON/Shapefile would be best instead of images.


Water Level & Precipitation

Plot Template : https://codepen.io/jcousineau/pen/oEZraY


getStationList (

getTimeseriesList (

( Is slow sometimes, for example :

Albany River above Fishing Creek Island (gauge cam)(No Thresholds)

Albany River near Hat Island (gauge cam) (LVL: 3.3, 4.29, 5.14, 5.9) (Flow:1500, 3000, 4500, 6000)

Stooping River above the Mouth (gauge cam) (No Thresholds)

Albany River above Nottick Island (No Thresholds)

Kenagami River near Mammamattawa (LVL: 23.5, 25, 26.5, 28) (Flow: No Flow thresholds)

Pagwachuan River at Hwy 11 (LVL: 10.98, 12.65, 14.33, 16.0) (Flow: 101.5, 203, 304, 406)

Nagagami River at Hwy 11 (LVL: 2.75, 3.15, 3.45, 3.7, 3.99)(Flow: 40, 135, 200, 250)

Little Current River at Percy Lake (No Thresholds)

Camera Photos

Use flickr API and REST

Testing Api

Get all photos from account (https://www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/flickr.people.getPhotos) (i.e. user_id=145447898@N03, min_upload_date=2018-01-21, per_page=500)

The site will create this link (https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.people.getPhotos&api_key=0496671cc41a7050d35902b2428ebffc&user_id=145447898%40N03&min_upload_date=2018-01-21&per_page=500&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&api_sig=c62934d6178aa6b12521af8849a4bf37)

Get photo info (https://www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/flickr.photos.getInfo) (i.e photo_id=37555690575)

The site will create this link (https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.getInfo&api_key=f61852d3561fc798e108a8dd505f5a0d&photo_id=37555690575&format=rest&api_sig=573cc5c2914d437fa2a880129c1b02ac)

The JSON file can be sorted by the title attribute. Here's an exmaple of the JSON row:

 { "id": "40027637332", "owner": "145447898@N03", "secret": "d5027f8efe", "server": "4616", "farm": 5, "title": "04FC001_Attawapiskat_Rv_20180203150108.jpg", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 },

JPG Link Format



Title example: 04HA001_ALBANY_RV_20180207200058.jpg


Initial Appoach: Read directly the tif in Mapbox. Does not work, memory issue in the web browser due to large files. Need to convert to tiles.

First Approach : Change Tif to geojson using rasterio. (Requires a lot of processing to convert to polygons. This approach was abandon)

Second Approach : Raster Tile server using tilestrata and GDAL2Tiles

Tested tilestrata and GDAL2Tiles on workspace called "tilestrata".

File transfer

First Idea: Use Azure cloud blob storage. The issue with this one is triggering an event to process the TIF to tiles for the web.

Why not just directly upload to files to the web server using post? Could have a file storage on the web server. I could trigger an event once the upload is done.

Web Server

Domain name?

Might store



Create time-series graph

Create gauge graph ...


This CORS is causing problems http / https. KISTERS only has http :(


What ts_name should I use?