JulietteB-cri / CRI-ENDLESS_team

Open Science Project
4 stars 2 forks source link


The main goal of this project is to evaluate the impact of the lockdown on students' Sleeping Quality (SQ for short) and the influence of different parameters such as stress level and sociability. We aim to define how SQ has been affected and give insights on how to improve it in similar future situations.

This project is for AIRE M1 Open Science Course https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xji9vKt33fxUo6anGwv4k28Uf-YDk_3CpUoZGKgd8zg/edit#

Team members:


Timeline of the project:

2/12/2020: release of the introductory survey DONE

13/12/2020: participation to the introductory survey are closed DONE

14/12/2020: release of the 1st weekly survey DONE

21/12/2020: release of the 2nd weekly survey DONE

28/12/2020: release of the 3rd weekly survey DONE

4/01/2021: release of the last survey DONE

27/01/2021: final report! DONE


All survey results can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q4vxfgXWxovGUbG4ztGCZdQeu-oUKZJL663kQkLBJQ8/edit?usp=sharing