Julusian / CasparCG-ppa

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CasparCG PPA

The PPA is available at https://launchpad.net/~casparcg/+archive/ubuntu/ppa


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:casparcg/ppa
sudo apt update

sudo apt install casparcg-server
# OR
sudo apt install casparcg-client


Some notes on how to publish new versions of packages.

This process is based upon the debian guide

General notes

Add changelog entry dch
Make sure to replace the UNRELEASED tag with ubuntu distribution (currently jammy)

Build binary versions of each package: debuild -b -uc -us

Build source versions of each pacakge debuild -S -uc -us

Sign a build debsign casparcg-server_XXXXXXXX__source.changes

Upload a build dput ppa:casparcg/ppa casparcg-server_XXXXXXXX__source.changes

Working with patches (quilt)

Apply all patches: QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches" quilt push -a

Undo all patches: QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches" quilt pop -a

Refresh a patch: QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches" quilt refresh <name>

Create a patch:


CEF is published as its own package, to minimise the size of each deb and the build process.

This package will most likely be the cause of the PPA running out of space, as each update consumes 5% of the available space.

When publishing a new major version of CEF, the package name must be updated. This allows for installing multiple branches of casparcg-server simultaneously.

Running a source build of CEF takes a while to lint the build. The lint will fail with errors as the source is not provided for many of the files, but the needed changes will still be produced


This is based on the packaging from debian

There is a folder per 'branch' of casparcg (2.3, 2.4 etc). This is so that they can be published with different names to make it easier to install the previous release

There is also the 'server-latest' which is a minimal package to allow for installing the 'latest'. It points to one of the other packages, and should be published when a new release branch is released.

Note: server-2.3 is not nice to package, as its cef requires some of the cef assets to be located next to the binary.
(cef builds prior to https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/commits/602c163)


The client can be published from here too, using a single branch for now.