Automated mass website observation - or a tool to see how fast council websites are.
Pagespeedy is a series of scripts to run the Google PageSpeed Inights against a list of websites - it is used by us to do the Council Page Speedyindex thing
PageSpeedyPlus comes in two parts
Part One - The Analyser The Python Scripts, do background runs against websites.
You will need.
(see pagespeedy.config.sample.json
) achecker.config.json
needs keys -l
will list what months you can run -m <id>
will run the process against a monthBy default pagespeedy will do:
To turn off one of these just comment the two lines out in
Part 2 is the site
The second part is the website (in website folder) - it's a PHP site.
to run the site you need to copy a few things from your analyser
The results folder can get quite large that's why we move it (in our case we ftp it up to our site).
Sqlite3 speedyplus.db
in the directory.