JurgenR / aioslsk

SoulSeek client library using Python asyncio
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 0 forks source link
asyncio p2p soulseek

======= aioslsk

aioslsk is a Python library for the SoulSeek protocol built on top of asyncio.

Supported Python versions are currently 3.8 - 3.12

You can find the full documentation here <http://aioslsk.readthedocs.io/>_


.. code-block:: shell

pip install aioslsk

Quick Start

Starting the client and sending a private message:

.. code-block:: python

import asyncio
from aioslsk.client import SoulSeekClient
from aioslsk.commands import PrivateMessageCommand
from aioslsk.settings import Settings, CredentialsSettings

# Create default settings and configure credentials
settings: Settings = Settings(

async def main():
    client: SoulSeekClient = SoulSeekClient(settings)

    await client.start()
    await client.login()

    # Send a private message
    await client.execute(PrivateMessageCommand('my_friend', 'Hi!'))

    await client.stop()



Install poetry_ and setup the project dependencies by running:

.. code-block:: shell

poetry install

A tool is available to start the client for debugging purposes (try out commands to the server, ...):

  1. Create a settings.json file containing valid credentials in the tools/debug/ directory (or pass a path using --settings). To generate a simple settings file:

    .. code-block:: shell

    poetry run python -m aioslsk.settings generate -u "Hello" -p "World" > tools/debug/settings.json

  2. To start the REPL run:

    .. code-block:: shell

    Reads from tools/debug/settings.json

    poetry run python -m tools.debug.debug_mode

    Reads from specific file

    poetry run python -m tools.debug.debug_mode --settings ~/custom_settings.json

  3. Run an example command (the aioslsk.commands module is aliased to the cmds variable):

    .. code-block:: python

    await client(cmds.GetPeerAddressCommand('some user'), response=True)
  4. To close the REPL execute exit() or press Ctrl+Z

Optionally the script takes a --cache-dir that will read/write the transfer and shares cache from the given directory

Building the documentation

.. code-block:: shell

cd docs/
poetry run make html

Running Tests

Running all tests:

.. code-block:: shell

poetry run pytest tests/

Running all tests with code coverage report:

.. code-block:: shell

poetry run pytest --cov=aioslsk --cov-report term-missing tests/

Mock Server

A mock server implementation is available for testing, to start the server run:

.. code-block:: shell

    # By default the server listens on port 2416
    poetry run python -m tests.e2e.mock.server
    # Specifying multiple listening ports
    poetry run python -m tests.e2e.mock.server --port 2416 2242

Configure the hostname or IP of the server in your client and connect. If such configuration is not possible you can add an entry to the ``hosts`` file of your system. For example:

::      server.slsknet.org

Use ``--help`` to get a list of available options.


The package uses several dependencies:

* mutagen_ : library used for extracting audio metadata
* aiofiles_ : asyncio library for filesystem management
* async-upnp-client_ : library for managing UPnP configuration
* pydantic-settings_ : library for managing settings
* async-timeout_ : library providing timeout class

.. _poetry: https://python-poetry.org/
.. _mutagen: https://github.com/quodlibet/mutagen
.. _aiofiles: https://github.com/Tinche/aiofiles
.. _async-upnp-client: https://github.com/StevenLooman/async_upnp_client
.. _pydantic-settings: https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/concepts/pydantic_settings/
.. _async-timeout: https://github.com/aio-libs/async-timeout