PM> Install-Package JustGivingNETSDK
var string appId = "e488ce85";
var client = new JustGivingApiClient(appId);
//or, if you want to use methods requiring authentication
//var basicAuthenticationClient = new JustGivingApiClient(appId, new BasicCredential(email, password));
//var oauthClient = new JustGivingApiClient(appId, applicationKey, new OAuthAccessToken(accessToken));
//If you need to set a proxy, do so like this
//client.UseProxy(new WebProxy());
var myAccountDetails = await client.Accounts.RetrieveAccount();
var donations = await client.Fundraising.GetFundraisingPageDonations("pageShortName",1,20);
If you're having issues that the resources above don't help with, feel free to email us at