JustZack / audit-congress

A website collecting & displaying information about the activities of congress.
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congress-legislators government unitedstates



A project aiming to gather congressional data from several sources into one spot, with the ultimate goal being to make the actions of individual congress members transparent.

Ideal user experience:

  1. User visits site and location is automatically detected (with consent) or is asked for a zip code to locate their district & state
  2. Site recomends the users senate and house members for viewing
  3. User clicks their house member to see everything we know about the house member

If I ever complete this project, a public link will be hosted here. For now this is just for my own fun and portfolio.

Note DB user needs the following privledges: GRANT FILE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX ON *.* to username@localhost

Note SQL Server properties changed for performance:

[client] loose-local-infile=1

[mysqld] max_connections = 500 max_allowed_packet=512M innodb_buffer_pool_size=4096M secure_file_priv="" This must be left blank local_infile=1 bulk_insert_buffer_size=512M

[mysqldump] max_allowed_packet=500M