The encryption App deployed in python. This project uses RSA encryption and SHA256 to protect the message. RSA prevent the MITM attack.
If you don't already have a virtual environment for Python in the folder, make one using:
py -3 -m venv .venv
To get the app running run the following commands
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd demo
For sender part:
copy the public_keys.txt from the reciever side to the demo folder
type the destination IP address
type the massage
For Receiver part:
Generate the key pairs using python
enter the public_keys.txt and change the "localhost" to machine IP address
send the public_keys.txt to sender
python to wait for respond
UI deelopment using JS
Avaliable to request pubilc using non encrypted string and store it
Add exchanger to the network to aollow mor users
Do the groupchat function and replace IP address as username
See the open Issue demo