An app to create, store, edit, and share cocktail recipes.
This app requires node(it is built with v9.6.1) and postgreSQL(this app is built with v10.5).
This app also requires the following packages:
jasmine: version 3.2.0
request: version 2.83.0
bcryptjs: version 2.4.3
body-parser: version 1.18.3
dotenv: version 5.0.0
ejs: version 2.5.7
express: version 4.16.2
express-flash: version 0.0.2
express-session: version 1.15.6
express-validator: version 5.3.0
passport: version 0.4.0
passport-local: version 1.0.0
pg: version 7.4.1
pg-hstore: version 2.3.2
sequelize: version 4.32.6
sequelize-cli: version 5.2.0
Clone this repo to your local machine using
createdb -U postgres -w cocktail-dev
andcreatedb -U postgres -w cocktail-test
npm start
in the command line and the server should start at address localhost:3000
npm test
Justin Elliott