Jutho / cMPS-notebook

Notebook for illustrating the use of CMPSKit.jl and to reproduce the results from arXiv:2006.01801.
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Notebook on Continuous Matrix Product States using CMPSKit.jl

This repository contains the notebook "notebook.ipynb" and the necessary "*.jld" data files, which can be used to reproduce the results from the paper "Variational optimization of continuous matrix product states" by Benoît Tuybens, Jacopo de Nardis, Jutho Haegeman and Frank Verstraete, currently available as preprint arXiv:2006.01801.

The notebook also serves as a first introduction on the use of CMPSKit.jl, a (currently unregistered) Julia package for working with continuous matrix product states (cMPS) for both finite and infinite systems. It can be viewed online using nbviewer or run online via binder. Due to the use of Plots.jl and other dependencies, the binder startup time can be quite long. In addition, the computations in the notebook might be to memory or computation intensive to be run on the free platform provided by binder.

Dependencies for this notebook are listed in "Project.toml" and should be installed automatically by Julia if you launch the notebook, except for CMPSKit.jl, as it is currently unregistered. Instructions for installing it are provided at the top of the notebook.

The additonal notebook "notebook_mps_comparison.ipynb" compare the results obtained with Continuous Matrix Product States to results obtained for a discretised version of the hamiltonians studied in "notebook.ipynb", using Matrix Product States (and the Density Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm). It can also be opened with nbviewer.