Juyong / DHNN_BodyRepresentation

Source code for the paper "Disentangled Human Body Embedding Based on Deep Hierarchical Neural Network" (TVCG2020).
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This repository includes the experiment code and trained model of paper "Disentangled Human Body Embedding Based on Deep Hierarchical Neural Network", TVCG 2020, https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.05622. Authors: Boyi Jiang, Juyong Zhang, Jianfei Cai and Jianmin Zheng


The transformed connectivity consistent human body dataset, including the ACAP feature and mesh file, can be downloaded here. Note that these meshes are transformed from partial data of other datasets, including SCAPE, FAUST, Dyna, MANO, Hasler et al and SPRING. No commercial usage of the data is allowed.


1. Basic Environment