Jyxarthur / flowsam

Official Implementation of "Moving Object Segmentation: All You Need Is SAM (and Flow)" Junyu Xie, Charig Yang, Weidi Xie, Andrew Zisserman
Apache License 2.0
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Moving Object Segmentation: All You Need Is SAM (and Flow)

Junyu Xie, Charig Yang, Weidi Xie, Andrew Zisserman

Visual Geometry Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Project page


pytorch=2.0.0, Pillow, opencv, einops, tensorboardX

Segment Anything can be installed following the official repository here, or by

pip install git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything.git


Training datasets

Checkpoints and results


To run FlowI-SAM,

python evaluation.py --model=flowisam --dataset=dvs16 --flow_gaps=1,-1,2,-2 \
                      --max_obj=5 --num_gridside=10 --ckpt_path={} --save_path={}

To run FlowP-SAM,

python evaluation.py --model=flowpsam --dataset=dvs16 --flow_gaps=1,-1,2,-2 \
                      --max_obj=10 --num_gridside=20 --ckpt_path={} --save_path={}

where --flow_gaps denotes the frame gaps of flow inputs
           --max_obj indicates the maximum number of predicted object masks
           --num_gridside indicates the number of uniform grid point inputs (e.g., "10" correponds to 10 x 10 points)
           --ckpt_path specifies the model checkpoint path
           --save_path specifies the path to save predicted masks (if not specified, no masks will be saved)

To run the code on your own data, (or datasets without GT multi-object segmentation, e.g., SegTrackv2, FBMS-59, MoCA_filter, etc.)

To perform sequence-level mask association (in other words, matching the identities of masks throughout the sequence) for multi-object datasets,

python seq_level_postprocess.py --dataset=dvs17m --mask_dir={} --save_path={}

For single-object cases usually the first mask of each frame would suffice.

Evaluation benchmarks:


python train.py --model={} --dataset=dvs16 --model_save_path={}

where --model specifies the model to be trained (flowisam or flowpsam)
           --model_save_path indicates the path to save logs and model ckpts


If you find this repository helpful, please consider citing our work:

  title={Moving Object Segmentation: All You Need Is SAM (and Flow)},
  author={Junyu Xie and Charig Yang and Weidi Xie and Andrew Zisserman},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.12389},


Segment Anything: https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything