K-4U / serverInfoProvider

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ServerInfoProvider is a simple server-only mod that'll give you access to server blocks. This allows you to fetch more data about your server without logging in!


Curse: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/serverinfoprovider

Required mod: K4Lib


This mod is released under the MMPLv2

Pull requests

Yes, you can make pull requests for new variables, if implemented properly i'll merge them.


Please report bugs to the issues page. Put crashlogs in a pastebin or gist!


There is no API as of yet, however i am planning on adding one, so mods can add their own data.


Make note that you do need to enable the query in the server settings for this mod to work. All the data is sent in a JSON format. By default, the server listens on 25566. However, this is configureable in the config. To figure out what the port is that the server listens on (in case you're a mod author and want to use this API, yet having no access to the actual server) you can use the standard Minecraft UDP Query protocol. Make note that the query in the server settings needs to be enabled for this to work. All you have to do is send a payload of integer value 8 and await a response. The port will be written as a string!


This list is in the format of either just strings, or objects with a key and args. For example, to request the time, you would send this:


If you want to request the time in a certain dimension:

[{"key": "time", "args": 1}]

Keys are not caps sensitive, however i do recommend you send them in lowercase.


If we send the top json to the server, we would get a return message:

    "TIME": {
        "0": "13:37"

Ofcourse, if you request more variables, you'll get more in the return object.


These are the variables that can be requested, along with arguments:

Position based variables

These variables will return a list of values requested.

Note that this list is not yet complete and i aim to add more stuff to it!


There is a limited API right now. Implement the ISIPEntity on a TileEntity. Whenever blockinfo is called on that Tile Entity, you can return a small map with keys and values to return to the requester, with info about your block. There's also an event InfoEvent. This is triggered on the main Forge Event bus whenever a value gets requested. Use the addInfo method to add a return messsage to the client.

If you have your own powersystem, the energy key is also transferred to this event, allowing you to add your own.


I used a python file for testing this. I've uploaded it to pastebin: http://pastebin.com/g2zbGHHs


import mcquery
import time
import socket
import json

print 'Ctrl-C to exit'

host = ""

if host == '':
    host = 'localhost'
if udpport == '':
    udpport = 25565
    udpport = int(udpport)

# Connect to UDP, asking for the port
print "Connecting to UDP"
q = mcquery.MCQuery(host, udpport)
print "Connected to UDP, asking for the port"
port = q.get_port()
#Do some trimming because null bytes are send with:
port = port.replace("\00", "")
port = int(port)

clsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

print "Connecting..."
clsock.connect((host, port))
print "Connected."

toSend = ["time", {"key":"players", "args":"latestdeath"}, "uptime", "dimensions", {"key":"time", "args":1}, {"key":"time", "args":-1}, "deaths", {"key":"deaths", "args":"K4Unl"}]

#Create a json string
dString = json.dumps(toSend)
clsock.sendall(dString + "\n") #The newline is VERY IMPORTANT! Without it it will NOT properly receive and the server WILL disconnect you!

print "Sent data"
print "Waiting on data returned"

while 1:
    data = clsock.recv(1024)
    print data
    if not data: break

There is also a PHP version available. This does NOT include the automatic port search yet. Here's an example of how it looks:

Link to this code: https://github.com/K-4U/SIP-web. This is ofcourse only an example.