K-L-Chen / WM_Dahlgren_Challenge

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W&M Dahlgren Innovations Challenge - 3rd Place Overall


Joseph S. Lee
Kevin Wu
Stephen D. Hoag
Nicholas B. Wilson
Kyle L. Chen

White Paper

Main Repository

Prep Notes

Downloading Files Note: Whatever files you wish to have on the competition computer (source code, libraries, etc) should be placed within a zip file, with a name making it clear what school/team you represent, and sent to NSWCDD prior to the competition. This zip file will be placed on your competition computer.

Note About Enemy Missiles: If physically possible, enemy missiles will redirect to the next "easiest" target if their original target is destroyed. Easiest target is defined as a combination of distance and orientation of possible targets. Targets in line and closer to enemy missiles will be "easier" targets. If enemy missiles cannot acquire or reach a new target they will self-destruct. This means that when a ship dies, existing enemy missiles targeting it could redirect and target another ship if possible.

Testing scenarios: When developing your clients, you should strive to complete fully populated scenarios (30 threats, 5 friendly ships, 1 reference ship) in less than 5 minutes in Synchronous (Step) mode. When we test your clients, we will first test in synchronous mode to determine your score if the test scenario completes within the 5-minute time-limit. If it does not complete in time, then your client will be re-run within GUI mode and that score will be used for your team. Note that GUI mode is generally more challenging as it will not wait for a synchronous reply message from your algorithm if it is too slow, and the threats will continue moving in toward your friendly assets regardless of whether your algorithm is sending replies.

Side Note

Do not judge group work by user commits; the group used VSCode's Live Share extension to work together.