K0nkere / DL_Dice-detection-project

DnD dice detection with CNN and transfer learning / Project for ML Bookcamp
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deep-learning kubernetes machine-learning object-detection python tensorflow

This is a DnD dices detection project as a capstone for ML-bookcamp.

Problem desription

During board games players are constantly throwing a bunch of dices. Throwing dices is a fun and gives an illusion that player is in control of events. But its need to count the numbers on the dices and its boring.

The idea is to create and deploy CNN bot that catches few thrown dices and returns sum of numbers on its upper faces fast. Normally the problem of detection is solved with double-step or single-step region based CNN approach (R-CNN) (there are few implementations across the internet) but these models requires dataset with additional position labels. This project partially uses implementation of these ideas but position detection based on the clusterization approach DBScan.

I splitted the problem into two tasks:

Full prediction pipeline is the following

Dataset description

Original dataset is taken from Kaggle + i append background images additionally. No extra info about dice positions or bounding boxes.

Project run Guide


1. Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/K0nkere/dice-detection-project.git

dice-detection-project will be your project folder

2. Download training+validation dataset from my repo

from the project folder

wget https://storage.yandexcloud.net/ybs-123123/dices-dataset.zip
unzip dices-dataset.zip

3. Create conda virtual environment

conda create -y -n dice-detection python=3.9
conda activate dice-detection
pip3 install -r conda-requirements.txt

Add conda env kernel to kernels list in order to use as notebook kernel

conda install -y -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=dice-detection

Add select conda env kernel as a kernel for notebooks or add as it an interpreter

4. Models

(optional - this step can be skipped, I included my .tflite models in the repo)

Download original .h5 models - run the project folder under conda activated env

wget https://storage.yandexcloud.net/ybs-123123/dice-models/xception-classifier-prepr-lancoz-dr075-0.983.h5 -P models/
wget https://storage.yandexcloud.net/ybs-123123/dice-models/dice-detection-model-std-lanc-dr03-0.790.h5 -P models/

run model-coverter.py script

python models/model-converter.py

5. Docker images

build docker image for Flask app - run from project folder

docker build -t dice-detection-model:v03 -f deployment/Dockerfile .
docker run -it --rm -p 9696:9696 dice-detection-model:v03

You can download this image from Yandex Cloud container registry

docker pull cr.yandex/crpkakorslfud9gk4ili/dice-detection-model:v03
docker tag cr.yandex/crpkakorslfud9gk4ili/dice-detection-model:v03 dice-detection-model:v03

renaming is for the following commands

and test it with test.ipynb notebook - row with url = "http://localhost:9696/predict" has to be uncommented

6. Kubernetes deployment

At this stage we have working docker image tagged with "v03". Following scrips are for the image tag 'v03' so if you have used another one commands have to be adjusted with valid tag. Simpy run from the project folder

bash kube-deployment.sh

Test with test.ipynb + dont forget that row with url = "http://localhost:8080/predict" should be uncommented

7. End of test run

Close port-forwarding with Ctrl+C and run to delete Kubernetes cluster

bash kube-terminate.sh

Repo consist of files

  • conda-requirements.txt - conda env requirements for project creation

  • basic-EDA.ipynb - exploratory data analisys for images of dataset that covers number of samples in each class, mean image per class construction

  • dice-detection-model-tuning.ipynb - notebook that covers process parametes tuning for detection and classification models

  • train-models.py - script to train models with final parameters

  • kube-deployment.sh - script for deployment with kind and kubectl

  • kude-terminate.sh - script for terminating Kubernetes deployment

  • test-urls.txt - links to test images, that i've created with my own dices

  • test.ipynb - notebook to send tests for prediction service

  • models/models-converter.py - convert .h5 models into .tflite

  • models/viz-model.tflite - my pretrained detection model

  • models/xception-classifier.tflite - my pretrained classification model

  • deployment/app.py - flask app script

  • deployment/main.py - the core of prediction pipeline

  • deployment/requirements.txt - environment for the docker image

  • deployment/Dockerfile - for Flask app

  • pics - samples of predictions

  • trained-model - folder for trainig callbacks

Models creation and tuning

I had been using Kaggle for these purposes and you can check notebook

Adopted version is added to this repo as dice-detection-model-tuning.ipynb but it take forever to execute it

Examples of predictions

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Future improvements

This is realization of fist part of the idea. To do: