KD-lab-Open-Source / Perimeter

GNU General Public License v3.0
513 stars 58 forks source link

Периметр | Perimeter


Linux Build MacOS Build Windows MSVC Build Windows MSYS Build

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Community in telegram: https://t.me/PerimeterGame


Perimeter is a real-time strategy video game with unique gameplay elements such as terraforming deformable terrain, morphing units, energy network, protective shield and surreal worlds.

Game needs assets/resources (3D models, textures, sounds, texts, configs, etc.) to run which can be obtained from purchased games in physical copies or digital stores.

Some parts may still need fixing or be experimental, expect some unexpected behavior, artifacts, bugs or crashes.

Issues for feature requests, suggestions, propositions, bugs, pull requests and other contributions are welcomed.

Where to play

Лицензией | License

© ООО "КД ВИЖЕН" (Калининград) | © LLC "KD VISION" (Kaliningrad)

Весь код, за исключением сторонних библиотек, публикуется под лицензией GPLv3. Код сторонних библиотек (где указана иная лицензия) публикуется под лицензией этих библиотек.

The whole code, except 3rd-party libraries, is published under the GPLv3 license. Code of 3rd-party libraries (where another license is specified) is published under the license of these libraries.)

Compiling and installing

There is instructions available in:


Supported games

Enhancements from original game

Game settings:

Application preferences paths:

NOTE: Some settings like current language, active profile, multiplayer settings and game content path can be found now at file Settings.ini inside application preferences directory. This file is automatically created/updated by the game.

Repository contents

Unknown - Not tested, not compilable with modern compilers nor available in more platforms than Windows.`

Windows - Compilable with modern compilers but not available in more platforms than Windows.

Working - Compilable and available in other platforms such as Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Meta issue for tracking code modernization/porting progress: https://github.com/KD-lab-Open-Source/Perimeter/issues/58