KED-2020 / api-mind-map

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Mind Map

A research tool to provide users with high-quality documents for specific topics to help them track and discover relevant blogs, journal articles, and tools.

Our system gathers useful documents for researchers from various sources such as MediaWiki Action API, News API (a replacement for Google News API), Google Scholar API (Google Search Engine API), GitHub API...

Project Context

The problem our project aims to solve is to keep users sain with the ever-increasing number of research points (documents) available online about specific topics. Our project allows users to subscribe to topics to discover relevant documents. Research documents are linked to each other by a specific topic(s).

The documents that our system suggests for the users are sent as suggestions to their local inbox. After a suggestion is sent to a user's inbox, they decide if the suggestion is a document they would like to keep or discard. Once their decision is made, the kept suggestions are moved to their favourites folder (? not sure what the best term for this is) and their map grows (? also not sure about this term).




The main long term goal of our project is to implement a more efficient and accuraate way to suggest documents to the users.


These are some of the entities in our project. To see more details about the database, see the database section below.


The place where all the suggestions are given to a user. I guess you can think of this as sort of an RSS feed or your email inbox.

id name description url created_at updated_at
1 some name some description 1234 created_time updated_time


A document that has been suggested to a user by the system.

id name description source created_at updated_at
1 some name some description github created_time updated_time


A topic that can be linked to a collection of documents.


An article, blog, or tool saved by a user.

Geting Started


We use SQLite as our database for both development and test environments. On the production environment, we use Postgres.

Entity-relationship Diagram