KJHJason / Cultured-Downloader-CLI

Command-line version of the original Cultured Downloader Python program
GNU General Public License v3.0
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downloader fanbox-downloader fantia fantia-downloader golang kemono kemono-party pixiv pixiv-downloader pixiv-fanbox ugoira

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Cultured Downloader CLI

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Based on the original Cultured Downloader, this is a command line interface (CLI) version of the program with more flexibility for automating downloads from your favourite platforms.

You might have noticed that the CLI version of the program is coded in Go, while the original is coded in Python. This is because of its in-built concurrency and the fact that I wanted to learn Go.

In terms of performance regarding the CLI version and the original, the CLI version will be faster as it is coded in Go, which is a compiled language unlike Python, which is an interpreted language. Additionally, Go's uses Goroutines for its concurrency which is much efficient than other langauges which is why I picked Go for this project.

OS Support

The CLI version of the program is currently only available for Windows, Linux and macOS (In theory).

This program has only been tested on Windows 10. Hence, if you encounter any issues on other operating systems, I may not be able to help you.

Known Issue(s)

File access denied error when downloading with the --overwrite=true flag...


Usage Example

The example below assumes you are using Go to run the program.

Otherwise, instead of go run . cultured_downloader.go, you can run the executable file by typing ./cultured_downloader.exe for Windows.

There is also compiled binaries for Linux and macOS in the releases page.



go run . cultured_downloader.go -h

Downloading from multiple Fantia Fanclub IDs:

go run . cultured_downloader.go fantia --cookie_file="C:\Users\KJHJason\Desktop\fantia.jp_cookies.txt" --fanclub_id 123456,789123 --page_num 1,1-10 --dl_thumbnails=false

Downloading from a Pixiv Fanbox Post ID:

go run . cultured_downloader.go pixiv_fanbox --session="<add yours here>" --post_id 123456,789123 --gdrive_api_key="<add your api key>"

Downloading from a Pixiv Artwork ID (that is a Ugoira):

go run . cultured_downloader.go pixiv --session "<add yours here>" --artwork_id 12345678 --ugoira_output_format ".gif" --delete_ugoira_zip=false

Downloading from multiple Pixiv Artwork IDs:

go run . cultured_downloader.go pixiv --refresh_token="<add yours here>" --artwork_id 12345678,87654321

Downloading from Pixiv using a tag name:

go run . cultured_downloader.go pixiv --refresh_token="<add yours here>" --tag_name "tag1,tag2,tag3" --tag_page_num 1,4,2 --rating_mode safe --search_mode s_tag

Base Flags

Cultured Downloader CLI is a command-line tool for downloading images, videos, etc. from various websites like Pixiv, Pixiv Fanbox, Fantia, and more.

  cultured-downloader-cli [flags]
  cultured-downloader-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  fantia       Download from Fantia
  help         Help about any command
  kemono       Download from Kemono Party
  pixiv        Download from Pixiv
  pixiv_fanbox Download from Pixiv Fanbox

  -p, --dl_path string   Configure the path to download the files to and save it for future runs.
                         Otherwise, the program will use the current working directory.
                         If you had used the "-download_path" flag before or
                         had used the Cultured Downloader Python program, the program will automatically use the path you had set.
  -h, --help             help for cultured-downloader-cli
  -v, --version          version for cultured-downloader-cli

Use "cultured-downloader-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Fantia Flags

Supports downloads from Fantia Fanclubs and individual posts.

  cultured-downloader-cli fantia [flags]

  -r, --auto_solve_recaptcha             Whether to automatically solve the reCAPTCHA when it appears. If failed, the program will solve it automatically if this flag is false.
                                         Otherwise, if this flag is true and it fails to solve the reCAPTCHA, the program will ask you to solve it manually on your browser with
                                         the SAME supplied session by visiting https://fantia.jp/recaptcha (default true)
  -c, --cookie_file string               Pass in a file path to your saved Netscape/Mozilla generated cookie file to use when downloading.
                                         You can generate a cookie file by using the "Get cookies.txt LOCALLY" extension for your browser.
                                         Chrome Extension URL: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/get-cookiestxt-locally/cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc
  -a, --dl_attachments                   Whether to download the attachments of a post on Fantia. (default true)
  -g, --dl_gdrive                        Whether to download the Google Drive links of a post on Fantia. (default true)
  -i, --dl_images                        Whether to download the images of a post on Fantia. (default true)
  -t, --dl_thumbnails                    Whether to download the thumbnail of a post on Fantia. (default true)
      --fanclub_id strings               Fantia Fanclub ID(s) to download from.
                                         For multiple IDs, separate them with a comma.
                                         Example: "12345,67891" (without the quotes)
      --gdrive_api_key string            Google Drive API key to use for downloading gdrive files.
                                         Guide: https://github.com/KJHJason/Cultured-Downloader/blob/main/doc/google_api_setup_guide.md
      --gdrive_service_acc_path string   Path to the Google Drive service account JSON file to use for downloading gdrive files.
                                         Generally, this is preferred over the API key as it is less likely to be flagged as bot traffic.
                                         Guide: https://github.com/KJHJason/Cultured-Downloader/blob/main/doc/google_api_setup_guide.md
  -h, --help                             help for fantia
  -l, --log_urls                         Log any detected URLs of the files that are being downloaded.
                                         Note that not all URLs are logged, only URLs to external file hosting providers like MEGA, Google Drive, etc. are logged.
  -o, --overwrite                        Overwrite any existing files if there is no Content-Length header in the response.
                                         Usually used for Pixiv Fanbox when there are incomplete downloads.
      --page_num strings                 Min and max page numbers to search for corresponding to the order of the supplied Fantia Fanclub ID(s).
                                         Format: "num", "minNum-maxNum", or "" to download all pages
                                         Leave blank to download all pages from each Fantia Fanclub.
      --post_id strings                  Fantia post ID(s) to download.
                                         For multiple IDs, separate them with a comma.
                                         Example: "12345,67891" (without the quotes)
  -s, --session string                   Your "_session_id" cookie value to use for the requests to Fantia.
  -p, --txt_filepath string              Path to a text file containing Fanclub and/or post URL(s) to download from Fantia.
  -u, --user_agent string                Set a custom User-Agent header to use when communicating with the API(s) or when downloading.

Pixiv Fanbox Flags

Supports downloads from Pixiv Fanbox creators and individual posts.

  cultured-downloader-cli pixiv_fanbox [flags]

  -c, --cookie_file string               Pass in a file path to your saved Netscape/Mozilla generated cookie file to use when downloading.
                                         You can generate a cookie file by using the "Get cookies.txt LOCALLY" extension for your browser.
                                         Chrome Extension URL: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/get-cookiestxt-locally/cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc
      --creator_id strings               Pixiv Fanbox Creator ID(s) to download from.
                                         For multiple IDs, separate them with a comma.
                                         Example: "12345,67891" (without the quotes)
  -a, --dl_attachments                   Whether to download the attachments of a Pixiv Fanbox post. (default true)
  -g, --dl_gdrive                        Whether to download the Google Drive links of a Pixiv Fanbox post. (default true)
  -i, --dl_images                        Whether to download the images of a Pixiv Fanbox post. (default true)
  -t, --dl_thumbnails                    Whether to download the thumbnail of a Pixiv Fanbox post. (default true)
      --gdrive_api_key string            Google Drive API key to use for downloading gdrive files.
                                         Guide: https://github.com/KJHJason/Cultured-Downloader/blob/main/doc/google_api_setup_guide.md
      --gdrive_service_acc_path string   Path to the Google Drive service account JSON file to use for downloading gdrive files.
                                         Generally, this is preferred over the API key as it is less likely to be flagged as bot traffic.
                                         Guide: https://github.com/KJHJason/Cultured-Downloader/blob/main/doc/google_api_setup_guide.md
  -h, --help                             help for pixiv_fanbox
  -l, --log_urls                         Log any detected URLs of the files that are being downloaded.
                                         Note that not all URLs are logged, only URLs to external file hosting providers like MEGA, Google Drive, etc. are logged.
  -o, --overwrite                        Overwrite any existing files if there is no Content-Length header in the response.
                                         Usually used for Pixiv Fanbox when there are incomplete downloads.
      --page_num strings                 Min and max page numbers to search for corresponding to the order of the supplied Pixiv Fanbox creator ID(s).
                                         Format: "num", "minNum-maxNum", or "" to download all pages
                                         Leave blank to download all pages from each creator.
      --post_id strings                  Pixiv Fanbox post ID(s) to download.
                                         For multiple IDs, separate them with a comma.
                                         Example: "12345,67891" (without the quotes)
  -s, --session string                   Your "FANBOXSESSID" cookie value to use for the requests to Pixiv Fanbox.
  -p, --txt_filepath string              Path to a text file containing creator and/or post URL(s) to download from Pixiv Fanbox.
  -u, --user_agent string                Set a custom User-Agent header to use when communicating with the API(s) or when downloading.

Pixiv Flags

Supports downloads from Pixiv by artwork ID, illustrator ID, tag name, and more.

  cultured-downloader-cli pixiv [flags]

      --artwork_id strings             Artwork ID(s) to download.
                                       For multiple IDs, separate them with a comma.
                                       Example: "12345,67891" (without the quotes)
      --artwork_type string            Artwork Type Options:
                                       - illust_and_ugoira: Restrict downloads to illustrations and ugoira only
                                       - manga: Restrict downloads to manga only
                                       - all: Include both illustrations, ugoira, and manga artworks
                                       - If you're using the "-pixiv_refresh_token" flag and are downloading by tag names, only "all" is supported. (default "all")
  -c, --cookie_file string             Pass in a file path to your saved Netscape/Mozilla generated cookie file to use when downloading.
                                       You can generate a cookie file by using the "Get cookies.txt LOCALLY" extension for your browser.
                                       Chrome Extension URL: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/get-cookiestxt-locally/cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc
  -d, --delete_ugoira_zip              Whether to delete the downloaded ugoira zip file after conversion. (default true)
      --ffmpeg_path string             Configure the path to the FFmpeg executable.
                                       Download Link: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html (default "ffmpeg")
  -h, --help                           help for pixiv
      --illustrator_id strings         Illustrator ID(s) to download.
                                       For multiple IDs, separate them with a comma.
                                       Example: "12345,67891" (without the quotes)
      --illustrator_page_num strings   Min and max page numbers to search for corresponding to the order of the supplied illustrator ID(s).
                                       Format: "num", "minNum-maxNum", or "" to download all pages
                                       Leave blank to download all pages from each illustrator.
  -o, --overwrite                      Overwrite any existing files if there is no Content-Length header in the response.
                                       Usually used for Pixiv Fanbox when there are incomplete downloads.
      --rating_mode string             Rating Mode Options:
                                       - r18: Restrict downloads to R-18 artworks
                                       - safe: Restrict downloads to all ages artworks
                                       - all: Include both R-18 and all ages artworks
                                       - If you're using the "--refresh_token" flag, only "all" is supported. (default "all")
  -t, --refresh_token string           Your Pixiv refresh token to use for the requests to Pixiv.
                                       If you're downloading from Pixiv, it is recommended to use this flag
                                       instead of the "--session" flag as there will be significantly lesser API calls to Pixiv.
                                       However, if you prefer more flexibility with your Pixiv downloads, you can use
                                       the "--session" flag instead at the expense of longer API call time due to Pixiv's rate limiting.
                                       Note that you can get your refresh token by running the program with the "--start_oauth" flag.
      --search_mode string             Search Mode Options:
                                       - s_tag: Match any post with SIMILAR tag name
                                       - s_tag_full: Match any post with the SAME tag name
                                       - s_tc: Match any post related by its title or caption (default "s_tag_full")
  -s, --session string                 Your "PHPSESSID" cookie value to use for the requests to Pixiv.
      --sort_order string              Download Order Options: date, popular, popular_male, popular_female
                                       Additionally, you can add the "_d" suffix for a descending order.
                                       Example: "popular_d"
                                       - If using the "--refresh_token" flag, only "date", "date_d", "popular_d" are supported.
                                       - Pixiv Premium is needed in order to search by popularity. Otherwise, Pixiv's API will default to "date_d". (default "date_d")
      --start_oauth                    Whether to start the Pixiv OAuth process to get one's refresh token.
      --tag_name strings               Tag names to search for and download related artworks.
                                       For multiple tags, separate them with a comma.
                                       Example: "tag name 1, tagName2"
      --tag_page_num strings           Min and max page numbers to search for corresponding to the order of the supplied tag name(s).
                                       Format: "num", "minNum-maxNum", or "" to download all pages
                                       Leave blank to search all pages for each tag name.
  -p, --txt_filepath string            Path to a text file containing artwork, illustrator, and tag name URL(s) to download from Pixiv.
  -f, --ugoira_output_format string    Output format for the ugoira conversion using FFmpeg.
                                       Accepted Extensions: .gif, .apng, .webp, .webm, .mp4
                                        (default ".gif")
  -q, --ugoira_quality int             Configure the quality of the converted ugoira (Only for .mp4 and .webm).
                                       This argument will be used as the crf value for FFmpeg.
                                       The lower the value, the higher the quality.
                                       Accepted values:
                                       - mp4: 0-51
                                       - webm: 0-63
                                       For more information, see:
                                       - mp4: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264#crf
                                       - webm: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/VP9#constantq (default 10)
  -u, --user_agent string              Set a custom User-Agent header to use when communicating with the API(s) or when downloading.

Kemono Party Flags

Supports downloads from creators and posts on Kemono Party.

  cultured-downloader-cli kemono [flags]

  -c, --cookie_file string               Pass in a file path to your saved Netscape/Mozilla generated cookie file to use when downloading.
                                         You can generate a cookie file by using the "Get cookies.txt LOCALLY" extension for your browser.
                                         Chrome Extension URL: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/get-cookiestxt-locally/cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc
      --creator_url strings              Kemono Party creator URL(s) to download from.
                                         Multiple URLs can be supplied by separating them with a comma.
                                         Example: "https://kemono.party/service/user/123,https://kemono.party/service/user/456" (without the quotes)
  -a, --dl_attachments                   Whether to download the attachments (images, zipped files, etc.) of a post on Kemono Party. (default true)
  -g, --dl_gdrive                        Whether to download the Google Drive links of a post on Kemono Party. (default true)
      --gdrive_api_key string            Google Drive API key to use for downloading gdrive files.
                                         Guide: https://github.com/KJHJason/Cultured-Downloader/blob/main/doc/google_api_setup_guide.md
      --gdrive_service_acc_path string   Path to the Google Drive service account JSON file to use for downloading gdrive files.
                                         Generally, this is preferred over the API key as it is less likely to be flagged as bot traffic.
                                         Guide: https://github.com/KJHJason/Cultured-Downloader/blob/main/doc/google_api_setup_guide.md
  -h, --help                             help for kemono
  -l, --log_urls                         Log any detected URLs of the files that are being downloaded.
                                         Note that not all URLs are logged, only URLs to external file hosting providers like MEGA, Google Drive, etc. are logged.
  -o, --overwrite                        Overwrite any existing files if there is no Content-Length header in the response.
                                         Usually used for Pixiv Fanbox when there are incomplete downloads.
      --page_num strings                 Min and max page numbers to search for corresponding to the order of the supplied Kemono Party creator URL(s).
                                         Format: "num", "minNum-maxNum", or "" to download all pages
                                         Leave blank to download all pages from each creator on Kemono Party.
      --post_url strings                 Kemono Party post URL(s) to download.
                                         Multiple URLs can be supplied by separating them with a comma.
                                         Example: "https://kemono.party/service/user/123,https://kemono.party/service/user/456" (without the quotes)
  -s, --session string                   Your Kemono Party "session" cookie value to use for the requests to Kemono Party.
                                         Required to get pass Kemono Party's DDOS protection and to download from your favourites.
  -p, --txt_filepath string              Path to a text file containing creator and/or post URL(s) to download from Kemono Party.
  -u, --user_agent string                Set a custom User-Agent header to use when communicating with the API(s) or when downloading.