English (en-US) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) |
KNSoft.NDK provides native C/C++ definitions and import libraries for Windows NT development.
, Ldr*
, LDR_*
, ...KERNEL32.dll!CreateProcessInternalW
, ntdll.dll!LdrRegisterDllNotification
, ...NtCurrentPeb()
, PEB(64/32)
, TEB(64/32)
, ...strsafe.h
in Windows SDK)Include NDK.h instead of (or BEFORE) Windows.h
will do.
#include <KNSoft/NDK/NDK.h>
NuGet package KNSoft.NDK includes all the headers and import libraries.
The following features are NOT enabled by default, reference corresponding headers and libraries on demand:
in Windows SDK)
The following features are enabled by default, can be excluded by defining corresponding macro:
Macro | Exclude feature |
_KNSOFT_NDK_NO_EXTENSION | Addendum or extension macros and definitions |
KNSoft.NDK always follow up the latest Windows NT and specifications, targets to x86, x64 and ARM64 platforms.
Only support the latest MSVC generation tools and SDKs.
[!CAUTION] In beta stage, should be used with caution.
KNSoft.NDK is licensed under the MIT license.
The content from the following public sources were lawfully used:
And public projects:
KNSoft.NDK also uses KNSoft/Precomp4C to generate DLL import libraries.