KNowledgeOnWebScale / solid-calendar-store

Solid stores for managing calendars
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Solid Calendar Store

This library allows users to perform a list of calendar operations via the Community Solid Server (CSS). This is achieved by offering stores and converters for CSS. For an overview of all possible transformations and conversions see the documentation.

How to run

  1. Install dependencies via npm i.
  2. Navigate to examples via cd examples.
  3. Rename examples/config-example.json to examples/config.json.
  4. Update examples/config.json.
  5. Run server via npx community-solid-server -c config.json -m ...

See the Community Solid Server documentation for more information on what each parameter does.

Note that the latest version of the RMLMapper is downloaded when you first run the server. You have the option to provide a custom version by putting it in the project and calling it rmlmapper.jar.


  1. Make sure you have the required packages to support typescript compiling installed on your machine.
  2. Run the server via npx to ensure you are running local packages as opposed to global packages.
  3. You can use Google Calendars via two methods:
    1. Using a private URL for your Google Calendar combined with the HTTP Get Store.
    2. Using the Google Calendar Get Store config/config-calendar.json
      1. Update calendar id of Google Calendar in config/config-calendar.json.
      2. Give Solid Calendar Store access to Google Calendar API via
        node scripts/get-google-access-token.js`


These endpoints are the default provided ones. See config/config-calendar.json to see how they are set up and how you can customize them.

Type Name Used store
GET calendar CalendarStore
GET busy TransformationStore
GET availability AvailabilityStore
GET aggregate AggregateStore
GET transformation TransformationStore
GET holidays HolidayStore
GET holidays/busy ExtendedBusyStore
GET gcal GoogleCalendarGetStore


Availability Store

You find an example of the settings for this store in /examples/availability-store-settings.yaml. In this file, you define the availability slots via availabilitySlots and the minimum duration in minutes of a single slot via minimumSlotDuration.

Transformation Store

You find an example of the settings for this store in /examples/transformation-store-settings.yaml. In this file, you define all rules via transformation. Each rule is of the following format:

  match: [regex]
  replace: [string]
  removeFields: [string array]

Holiday Store

You find an example of the settings for this store in /examples/holiday-store-settings.yaml. You can define 3 types of holidays:

You structure them in a JSON file like this:

  - name: [holiday name]
      day: [UTC day]
      month: [UTC month]
  - name: [holiday name]
      n: [the nth it falls on]
      weekday: [which UTC weekday]
      month: [UTC month]
  [holiday name]: [date (incl. year)]

See docs/ for places where you can use the holidays.

Calendar JSON format used by the stores

For the calendar name the X-WR-CALNAME field is used.
Not all possible event fields of an ICS calendar are used. You find the used field in src/event.ts.