KOSASIH / PiBrain-Core

Core AI engine for node optimization and decision-making.
MIT License
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node pi-network pi-network-ecosystem pi-node super-node-client


Core AI engine for node optimization and decision-making.


PiBrain-Core is a high-performance AI engine designed for node optimization and decision-making in the Pi Network. It is built using state-of-the-art machine learning models and advanced optimization techniques to provide efficient and effective solutions for network optimization problems.

Directory Structure

The following is the directory structure of the PiBrain-Core repository:

├── src/                        # Source code
│   ├── ai_engine/              # AI engine core
│   │   ├── __init__.py         # Initialization file
│   │   ├── optimizer.py        # AI optimizer for node configuration
│   │   ├── decision_maker.py   # Decision-making module for node actions
│   ├── model/                 # Machine learning models
│   │   ├── __init__.py         # Initialization file
│   │   ├── optimizer.py        # AI optimizer model
│   ├── config/                # Configuration files
│   │   ├── config.py           # AI engine configuration
│   ├── data/                   # Data storage and preprocessing
│   │   ├── preprocess.py       # Data preprocessing module
│   │   ├── data_loader.py      # Data loading module
│   ├── tests/                  # Unit tests and integration tests
│   │   ├── __init__.py         # Initialization file
│   │   ├── test_optimizer.py   # AI optimizer tests
│   │   ├── test_decision.py    # Decision-making tests
├── requirements.txt           # Required packages and dependencies
├── architecture.md            # Architecture documentation
└── README.md                   # This file


To install the required packages and dependencies, run the following command:

1. pip install -r requirements.txt


To use PiBrain-Core, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
1. git clone https://github.com/KOSASIH/PiBrain-Core.git
  1. Navigate to the repository directory:
1. cd PiBrain-Core
  1. Run the AI engine:
1. python src/ai_engine/main.py


If you would like to contribute to PiBrain-Core, please read our contributing guidelines.


PiBrain-Core is released under the MIT License.


For any questions or concerns, please contact us at info@pi-brain.com.