KSP-KOS / Kos-Scansat

MIT License
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What is it?

This is an addon for kOS to access the data provided by SCANsat.


How to install

Unpack the .zip file in the GameData folder

kOS Addon Functions:



Name of the Biome at the vessels position. If the vessel is manned or the probecore has KerbNet biome access and is connected, the name is returned, even the spot was not scanned before by SCANsat


returns the name of the biome, when a biome scan was performed. with no biome scan: "unknown"

:ELEVATION (\<body>,\<geoposition>)

Returns the scanned altitude of the coordinates. Rounded to 500m steps, when only the low-resolution scan was perfomred. -1 when It's not scanned. And no KerbNet access is possible, or the KerbNet of the current Vessel is out of the scanning FOV.

:SLOPE (\<body>,\<geoposition>)

Returns a computed slope (in percent) with the best available data. the input data is the best scanned data. KerbNet can be used as a source for the active vessel.


Displays all (not blacklisted) scantypes.

:COMPLETEDSCANS (\<body>,\<geoposition>)

returns a list of all performed scantypes for that spot.


Returns the completed percentage of the scantype of the body.


Returns a list of the valid resources, which are known to scansat and activated by other mods

:RESOURCEAT (\<body>,\<geoposition>,\<resourcename>)

Returns the value (as a double) of and given resource at the spot. Returns -1 if the resource amount is not known.


Returns a list of discovered anomalies at the given body.


Gets the name of the anomaly if it has been visited with a Been-There-Done-That scanner, or "???" if not.


Indicates whether the anomaly has been visited with a Been-There-Done-That scanner.


The geoposition of the anomaly.