KTH / devops-course

Repository of the DevOps course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology DD2482
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Results 2021 #1083

Closed bbaudry closed 2 years ago

bbaudry commented 3 years ago

Here we post comments and results.

bbaudry commented 3 years ago

Presentations of Week 2

DISTINCTION: Third Party Software Dependency Management. Anna Nikolskaya, Carl Leijonberg ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, originality, reflection, loudly, engagement, humour, readable, illustration remarkable: motivation, technical, take-home

PASS: Monitoring with Prometheus. Aron Hansen Berggren, Fredrik Bjรถrkman ๐Ÿ‘

yes: originality, reflection, take-home, loudly, engagement, humour, readable, illustration remarkable: technical, motivation

DISTINCTION: The history of DevOps. Hugo Heyman, Patricia Naccachian ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

illustration yes: timing, motivation, technical, take-home, loudly, engagement, readable, illustration remarkable: originality, humour, reflection comments: the scope was ambitious and you succeeded

PASS: DevOps practices in a Sundsvall company. Isac Arvidsson, Andreas Henriksson ๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, technical, humour, reflection, take-home, loudly, engagement, readable, illustration remarkable: originality, motivation

DISTINCTION: Reproducible Builds with Nix. Yannik Sander ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, motivation, reflection, loudly, engagement, humour, readable remarkable: technical, originality, illustration

monperrus commented 3 years ago

Presentations of Week 3

DISTINCTION ML_OPS: Current applications and future possibilities. Johan Hammarstedt @jhammarstedt , Matej Sestak @sestys ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: technical, illustration, loudly, timing, loudly, engagement (menti competition)

remarkable: reflection, originality, motivation, take-home

comments: agenda is clear, clear definitions, very clear vision and motivation (ML is not Jupyter); mlops verssus devops: clear, good reflection

REPEAT Overview of Continuous Testing. Gabriel Chang @ChangGabriel, William Skagerstrรถm @wska

yes: engagement, motivation, loudly, readable, timing

Comments: interesting link between testing / business risk, smooth articulation between speakers

For repeat:

REPEAT Continuous Testing in DevOps. Renugaa, Megha Gangwal @Renugaa @gangwalmegha

yes: timing, relevance, loudly

Important: add your full name and KTH ids in your README

For repeat

minor comments:

PASS Cloud and the journey for a start-up to Fortune 500. Adeeb Syed Shah, Rezaul Hasan, Carina Wickstrรถm @Internet-Person-IP

(edit of May 20: the extension on Week 4 validates this one) Good presentation with an original narrative and a good energy. Fails to meet the rules of the course.

REPEAT An Introduction to BizDevOps. Lazar Cerovic @lazarko

yes: illustration, readable, timing, originality

For repeat:


bbaudry commented 3 years ago

Presentations of week 4

PASS Autoscaling and load balancing. Carina Wickstrom @carinawic, Md Rezaul Hasan @MDRezaulHasan. ๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, originality, loudly, readable, humour (sponge bob), take-home (convincing black friday example)

remarkable: engagement (lots of energy), technical

PASS Assuring Code Quality with SonarQube. Fรฉlix Fonteneau @FelixFonteneau, Hilaire Bouaddi @Hilaire-Bouaddi ๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, motivation, originality, readable, reflection (relation between quality and scalability, inclusive perspective about code quality), take-home

remarkable: illustration


DISTINCTION GitOps Carl Piehl @cpiehl1, Charlotte Andersson @charlottea98 ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: illustration, timing, loudly (very clear speech), readable, technical (code), originality, take-home

remarkable: motivation, reflection (excellent), technical

DISTINCTION DevOps in high security environments Isak Hassbring @hassbring, Gustaf Lidfeldt @glidfeldt ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: motivation, originality, loudly (very clear tone), engagement (pollev is original), readable, take-home, humour

remarkable: illustration (multi layer of package manager, graphs), technical, reflection

Comments: grounded on sourced facts (equifax breach), actionable (npm retire); good references at the end which can also be put as footnote in slides

monperrus commented 3 years ago

Presentations of week 5

DISTINCTION Managing secrets in dynamic environments with HashiCorp Vault. Amar Hodzic @amarhod, Natan Teferi Asegehegn @callmeGoldenboy ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, loudly (spreaks slowly and clearly), humour , readable, well-structured, technical, take-home (actionabe)

remarkable: reflection, motivation, originality

DISTINCTION DevSecOps takeaways from Hacking into Google's Network for $133,337 Ayub Atif @ayubatif ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, illustration, well-structured, readable, motivation, engagement (good story telling, energetic talk), humour (memes), take-home,

remarkable: originality, technical, reflection (about the story, about bug bounties, about devsecops)

comments: credits and links are very good, be careful of not speaking too fast.

DISTINCTION Flaky tests. August Jรถnsson @Augustjon, Daniel Grรผnler @grunler ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, engagement (storytelling), readable, humour (slide 9), loudly, illustration, technical

remarkable: motivation, well-structured, reflection

PASS Kanban and Scrum. George Bassilious @George-Bassilious, Eva Despinoy @evkade ๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, loudly, well-structured, motivation (clear definitions and relation to devops), reflection (good knowledge of the topic and differences / complementarities), readable

remarkable: illustration

comments: the links to source in every slide is excellent

DISTINCTION Whitebox Fuzzing. Kitty Thai @kittytinythai, Sebastian Fagerlind @Sebberh ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, originality, loudly, readable (beautiful slides), illustration, well-structured, reflection

remarkable: motivation (excellent problem statement), technical (snippets, SAGE), take-home (lessons of the day)

PASS Devops with Tuleap. Vlado Mitrovic @vladomitrovic, Johan Mallo Bakken @johanmallobakken ๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, illustration, motivation (agile needs alm), take-home, humour, readable, well-structured, reflection

remarkable: originality, engagement (live demo during Q&A)

bbaudry commented 3 years ago

Presentations of week 6

DISTINCTION Modern end-to-end testing frameworks Agnes Petรคjรคvaara @anorangesky, Adam Henriksson @adamih๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing , loudly, readable, illustration, motivation (selenium is not enough anymore), well-structured, originality

remarkable: technical, engagement, reflection, take-home

Comment: we loved the voice-over code being written

DISTINCTION CodeQL for automated code analysis. Axel Pettersson @Ackuq, Christopher Gustafson @ChristopherGustafson ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, loudly, well-structured, motivation, readable, humour, take-home

remarkable: originality, technical, reflection

Comment: thank you for the excellent curated list of tools

DISTINCTION Mobile backend as a service Lara Rostami @LaraRos, Christian Stjernberg @christian-stj ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, reflection, readable, illustration, loudly, motivation, loudly, well-structured, take-home

remarkable: originality, technical, engagement

Comment: we loved the firebase demo

PASS Maven and Gradle - The Battle of the Build Tools. Maja Tennander @majate, Axel Elmarsson @elmaxe ๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, illustration, readable, loudly, well-structured, take-home, humour, technical

remarkable: engagement, motivation

PASS Infrastructure automation using Ansible. Urama Ifeoma @IfyUrama, Yuxin Meng @yuxinmmmm ๐Ÿ‘

yes: timing, motivation, technical, well-structured, engagement, illustration, reflection

Comment: add slide numbers, avoid too much text on slides and don't forget a take-home message