KTH / devops-course

Repository of the DevOps course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology DD2482
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KTH DevOps Course

This repository contains the material and content of the DevOps course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.


The schedule is at https://www.kth.se/social/course/DD2482/calendar/

If you can't see any schedule events on the HTML page
Change course rounds/groups in My settings or change the time period above so that it conforms to the course round.


Week 1: Introduction (mandatory)

Week 2: Testing automation, Continuous Integration, Feature flags

Week 3: Continuous Deployment / Delivery

Week 4: MLOps

Week 5: Infrastructure as Code

Week 6: Dependency Management & DevSecOps

Week 7: Other topics


To pass the course, the student has to complete and pass between 3 and 5 tasks:

Group Rules



Lectures The lectures are held on campus (no hybrid / no video link). The lecture locations are given on KTH Social https://www.kth.se/social/course/DD2482/calendar/. The first lecture is mandatory, the other ones are strongly encouraged.

Lab sessions

Examinations: Some tasks require physical presence (presentation, demo), others do not (essay, open-source, feedback).



See also