KTH / devops-course

Repository of the DevOps course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology DD2482
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Serverless architecture and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) #307

Open veggiemonk opened 4 years ago

veggiemonk commented 4 years ago


It should be a topic of its own, from the comment https://github.com/KTH/devops-course/issues/11#issuecomment-448213662

Serverless is more a mindset of connecting services without operating them. How to monitoring, auditing, scale and plan for disaster recovery when one is not in charge of the underlying services can be quite challenging and rewarding at the same time.

It encompasses everything from a traditional developer workflow (there is still code, tests, debugging, deployments, monitoring, databases, message queues, ...) but it adds another dimension: infrastructure management, as one pays for what one uses. It is a best practice to have infrastructure as code to manage that infrastructure, so the topic of serverless is quite vast but it is not limited to cloud providers. Now, anyone can deploy their own serverless platform such as OpenFaas, Knative and so on.

I have a lot to talk about regarding that so I would be happy to present that topic to the student.

monperrus commented 4 years ago

good point, thanks Julien!

monperrus commented 4 years ago

the cold start problem (eg https://serverless.com/blog/keep-your-lambdas-warm/)

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Serverless can be used for the devops process itself

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Firecracker: Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing https://firecracker-microvm.github.io/

monperrus commented 2 years ago

Openfaas Serverless Functions (mentioned by the OP) https://www.openfaas.com/

monperrus commented 2 years ago

True need for scalability: who's the fastest to reach one million Instagram followers?

World record: Kim Taehyung ‘V’ 43 minutes

Was Jennifer Annston: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2019/10/friends-star-jennifer-aniston-claims-record-for-fastest-to-reach-one-million-inst-595437

cc/ @payberah @barais @combemale

monperrus commented 2 years ago

Has Your FaaS Application Been Decommissioned Yet? -- A Case Study on the Idle Timeout in Function as a Service Infrastructure https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10227

mrbgco commented 2 years ago

Azure functions.

monperrus commented 1 year ago

A Literature Review on Serverless Computing. (arXiv:2206.12275v1 [cs.SE])

monperrus commented 1 year ago

The State of Serverless Applications: Collection, Characterization, and Community Consensus TSE 2022

monperrus commented 1 year ago

https://vercel.com/ a cloud provider

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

building and running serverless applications powered by WebAssembly https://github.com/fermyon/spin